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Sunday, March 2, 2025 American Flyer & Lionel S Gauge Potluck Toy Trains Auction:

Our American Flyer & Lionel S Gauge Potluck Toy Trains Auction starts at 4:00 p.m. (EST) Sunday, March 2, 2025. Bids may be placed on each lot by using AuctionsBy™, the Live On-Line Bidding System on the AmbroseBauer Trains' WebSite or on

A Twelve Percent Buyer's Premium will apply for those entering winning bids on AuctionsBy™. Absentee Bidders must pay by check or money order within ten days of the date of the Auction. A $50.00 administrative fee will be added to each lot that is not paid in full within twenty days of the date of the Auction. AuctionsBy™ does accept bids on each lot until that Lot is sold, but we encourage bids to be left before the Auction is actually conducted in order to eliminate some of the traffic on our Server and to ensure that your bids are actually received and entered into our System. We do not accept credit card payments.

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Pennsylvania Sales Tax will be collected on items sold to individuals who reside in Pennsylvania and who do not have a current Resale Tax Exemption Certificate on file. Pennsylvania Sales Tax is Seven Percent.

Please Double-Click on the Lot Numbers in the List Below to see in Detail that Particular Lot with all Pictures of that Lot as well as a Bidding Box to place your Absentee Bids. The Bidding Box to place your Snipe Bids is at the bottom of the Lot Detailed Page. You may also bid live during the auction by clicking the TAKE ME LIVE menu item to your left.

Our Internet-only Auctions are conducted in Maryland.

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Lot #: Title: Condition: Box: High Bid:
Lot: 2AF/Lionel S Gauge: #48033 Rock Island GP-7 Engine and #48049 Southern Pacific SD-9 Engine/OBsLike New OBs$.00
Lot: 3AF S Gauge: #23796 Operating Saw Mill Accessory/OBLike New OB$.00
Lot: 4AF/Lionel S Gauge: #49606 Silver Flash Passenger Set/OBsLike New OBs$5.00
Lot: 5AF S Gauge: #484/485/485 Santa Fe Blue/Yellow Alco ABA Blue/Yellow Diesel EnginesExcellent Plus None $.00
Lot: 6AF S Gauge: #499 New Haven EP-5 ElectricExcellent None $.00
Lot: 7AF/Lionel S Gauge: 7 Assorted Add-On Engines and Cars/OBsLike New OBs$.00
Lot: 8AF/Lionel S Gauge: 10 Assorted Freight Cars/OBsLike New OBs$.00
Lot: 9AF S Gauge: #952/953/954 Maroon Heavyweight Passenger CarsExcellent Plus None $.00
Lot: 11American Models S Gauge: #5628 Burlington Northern 4-8-4 Northern Steam Engine w/Chug & Smoke/OBLike New OB$5.00
Lot: 12AF S Gauge: #750 Trestle Bridge/OBExcellentOB$.00
Lot: 13AF/Lionel S Gauge: #48245/48240/48238/48216 Assorted Club Cars/OBsLike New OBs$.00
Lot: 14AF S Gauge: #25015 (971) Lumber Unloading Car and #25016 Lumber Unloading Car/OBsExcellent Plus OBs$5.00
Lot: 15AF S Gauge: #490/491/493 (4913) NP PA ABA Alco Diesel Engines/Separate Sale Master OBExcellent Plus OBs $5.00
Lot: 16AF S Gauge: #21561 New Haven Alco A Diesel EngineExcellent PlusNone $5.00
Lot: 17AF S Gauge: #23743 Track Maintenance Car/Clear PackExcellentClear Pack OB$5.00
Lot: 18AF/Lionel S Gauge: #48968 Santa Fe Passenger Cars Set of 2 and #49942 New York Central Passenger Car,/OBsLike New OBs$.00
Lot: 19AF S Gauge: #24578 Corvette Sports Car Transport with Car Kit/OBLike NewOB $45.00
Lot: 21AF S Gauge: #20520 New Haven Electric Passenger Set/OBExcellentSet OB $5.00
Lot: 227 Assorted American Flyer #26 Service Kits/OBsExcellent Plus OBs$.00
Lot: 23Lionel/AF S Gauge: #48008 New Haven Electric Engine/OBLike New OB$.00
Lot: 24Scarce AF S Gauge: #25060 CB&Q Coal Dump Car/OBExcellent Plus OB $.00
Lot: 25AF S Gauge: #5570-H Silver Rocket Passenger Set/OBsLike New Set OB/OBs$160.00
Lot: 26AF S Gauge #24856/24859/24863/24866 Missouri Pacific The Eagle Passenger Cars/OBsExcellent Plus2 OBs$5.00
Lot: 27AF S Gauge: #758A Sam the Semaphore Man and 2 #596 Water Tanks/OBsExcellent OBs$.00
Lot: 28AF S Gaug: 2 #25025 C.B. & Q. Operating Dump Cars/OBsExcellent Plus OBs$.00
Lot: 29AF S Gauge: #470/471/473 AF ABA Units and #960/961/962/963 Red-Stripe Passenger CarsExcellentNone$5.00
Lot: 30Lionel/AF S Gauge: #48060 (1068) Chesapeake and Ohio Mikado 2-8-2 Steam Engine and Tender/OBLike New OB $5.00
Lot: 31AF S Gauge: #21902 Santa Fe The Chief #470/471/473 ABA Diesel Units/Seperate Sale Master/OBsExcellent Plus Master/OBs$45.00
Lot: 32AF S Gauge: #25042 Erie Action Box Car/OBExcellent Plus OB$.00
Lot: 33AF S Gauge: #24577 Jet Engine Transport Car/OBExcellent Plus OB$.00
Lot: 34AF S Gauge: #951/955/955 Maroon Passenger Cars/SilhouettesExcellent None $5.00
Lot: 35RARE AF S Gauge: #24320 Deep Rock Tank Car Excellent Plus $.00
Lot: 37AF S Gauge: 2 #25016 Lumber Unloading Cars/OBsExcellentOBs$.00
Lot: 38AF S Gauge: #981 Central Georgia Box Car and #24042/985 Boston Maine Box Car/OBsExcellentOBs$.00
Lot: 39AF S Gauge: #21205/21205-1 Boston and Maine F-9 AA Units and #21215/21215-1 Union Pacific F-9 AA UnitsExcellent PlusNone $5.00
Lot: 40AF S Gauge: #21920/21920-1 MP PA1 Alco AA Diesel Engines/OBExcellent PlusOB $.00
Lot: 41AF S Gauge: #20340 New Haven Alco A Passenger Train Set/OBExcellent Plus OB$15.00
Lot: 42AF S Gauge: #24419 Canadian National Reefer and #24054 Santa Fe Box Car/OBsExcellent PlusOBs$.00
Lot: 43AF S Gauge: Three #23778 Sets of 3 Boulevard Lamps/OBsLike New OBs$.00
Lot: 45AF S Gauge: #377/378 Texas & Pacific Power & Non Power GP Diesel UnitsExcellent None $.00
Lot: 46AF S Gauge: 7 boxes of #700 Straight Track Sets of 12/Red & White OBsExcellent Plus OBs$.00
Lot: 47AF S Gauge: S Fest #2 Milwaukee Road 4-6-2 Steam Engine and Tender and 8 Assorted Cars None $.00
Lot: 49AF S Gauge: #911 Pipe Car and #24109 Pipe Car (Red Pipes)/OBsExcellent Plus OBs$.00
Lot: 51VERY RARE AF S Gauge: #24536 Monon Flat Car w/Trailers/OBExcellent Plus Poor OB$500.00
Lot: 52AF S Gauge: #24077 Northern Pacific Stock Car and #994/24076 Union Pacific Stock CarsExcellentNone $.00
Lot: 53AF S Gauge: 20 Assorted GondolasExcellent None $.00
Lot: 54Mint AF/Lionel S Gauge: #49960 Route of the Reindeer Streamliner Passenger Cars Set of 3/OBsMint OBs$.00
Lot: 55AF S Gauge: #494/495 New Haven Alco AA LocomotivesExcellent None $.00
Lot: 56AF S Gauge: 6 Assorted Colorful Box CarsExcellent None $.00
Lot: 57AF S Gauge: 7 #700 Straight Track Sets of 12 and 8 #702 Curved Track Sets of 12/Blue & Yellow OBsExcellent PlusOBs$.00
Lot: 58AF S Gauge: #21160 Reading 4-4-2 Engine and Tender and 2 #283 Chicago Northwestern 4-6-2 Engines and TendersExcellent None$.00
Lot: 59AF/Lionel S Gauge: #49810 Log Loader 787/OBLike New OB$.00
Lot: 60RARE AF S Gauge: #24420 Simmons Carload Bargain Sale Box CarExcellent PlusNone$15.00
Lot: 61American Models S Gauge: Burlington BUDD 4-Car Passenger Set and 3 passenger Cars/OBsLike NewOBs$5.00
Lot: 6296 pieces of American Flyer Black Rubber Roadbed/OBsLike NewOBs$.00
Lot: 63AF S Gauge: 2 #25003 Operating Dump Cars/OBsExcellent OBs$5.00
Lot: 64AF S Gauge: RARE #24575 Bordens Milk Transport Car/Clear PackExcellentClear OB$5.00
Lot: 65AF S Gauge: #21910/21720/21910-2 Blue/Yellow Santa Fe Alco ABA Diesel Units/OBsExcellent PlusOBs $5.00
Lot: 66AF S Gauge: #21156 0-6-0 Steam EngineExcellent PlusNone $5.00
Lot: 67AF/Lionel S Gauge: 14 Assorted Holiday Freight Cars/OBsMint OBs$5.00
Lot: 68AF S Gauge: 18 Customized S Fest Freight CarsNone $.00
Lot: 69AF S Gauge: Missouri Pacific #24856 The Eagle Combine Car, #24859 Coach, #24863 Vista Dome, and #24866 ObservationExcellent Plus None$25.00
Lot: 70RARE AF S Gauge: #C1001 Whites Box CarExcellent PlusNone$5.00
Lot: 71American Models S Gauge: #42501 Burlington 425B Diesel Engine/OBLike New~OB$5.00
Lot: 72AF S Gauge: #20345 New Haven EP-5 Electric Freight Set Box Set BoxSet Box$.00
Lot: 73AF S Gauge: 6 #2530 Union Pacific Flat Car with Trailers/Customized S Fest$.00
Lot: 74AF S Gauge: #24320 Deep Rock Tank Car and #24321 Deep Rock Tank CarExcellent None$.00
Lot: 76AF S Gauge #24730 Overland Express Baggage Car, #24565 Flatcar w/ Cannon, and #24055 Gold Belt Box Car/OBsLike NewOBs$.00
Lot: 77AF S Gauge: #24047 Great Northern Red Box Car and 2 #24422 Great Northern Reefers w/siding DoorsExcellent PlusNone$.00
Lot: 78scarce AF S Gauge: #2 Car Assortment (Dealers)/OBsLike NewOBs$5.00
Lot: 79AF S Gauge: #22035 Transformer/OBExcellent PlusOB+$.00
Lot: 80RARE AF S Gauge: #24323 Baker's Chocolate Tank Car (white ends)Excellent Plus None $620.00
Lot: 81AF S Gauge: #21206/21206-1 Santa Fe Diesel F-9 AA UnitsExcellent PlusNone$5.00
Lot: 82AF S Gauge: #918 Operating Dump Car and #25019 Operating Milk Car/OBsExcellentOBs$5.00
Lot: 83AF/Lionel S Gauge: 14 Assorted Freight Cars/OBsLike NewOBs$.00
Lot: 84AF S Gauge: #918 Maroon Mail Pickup Baggage Car/OBExcellent PlusOB $.00
Lot: 85AF S Gauge: 8 Assorted 3 Digit Colorful Box CarsExcellent/E+none$5.00
Lot: 86AF S Gauge: #470/471/473 Santa Fe Red/Silver Alco ABA Diesel Units (Chrome)Excellent Plus None$5.00
Lot: 87AF/Lionel S Gauge: 14 Assorted Cars/OBs$.00
Lot: 88AF S Gauge: #31 Road Signs and #35 Brakeman with Lantern Set of 3/OBsExcellent PlusOBs$.00
Lot: 89AF S Gauge: #702 Curved Track, 3 #26720 Curved Track, 5 #702 Straight Track, and #26700 Straight Track/Red & White OBsExcellent PlusOBs$.00
Lot: 90AF S Gauge: #484/485/486 Santa Fe Blue/Yellow Alco ABA Diesel UnitsExcellent PlusNone$.00
Lot: 91American Models S Gauge: #9372 Burlington Northern S-12 Switcher/OBLike NewOB $5.00
Lot: 92AF HO Gauge: #35780 Coal Loader, #19333 Keg Loading Conveyor, and 2 #35785 Coal Unloaders with Hoppers/OBsExcellent PlusOBs$5.00
Lot: 93AF S Gauge: #24042/985 B&M Box Car and #24028/982 State Maine Box Car/OBsExcellent PlusOBs $.00
Lot: 94AF S Gauge: #957/974/25042 Erie Action Box CarsExcellentNone$.00
Lot: 96America Models S Gauge: Burlington EMD E-8 Engine/OBLike NewOB$5.00
Lot: 97AF S Gauge: #24036 NH Box Car, #24066 L&N Box Car, #24054 SF Box Car, #24039 RG Box Car, and #24413 MP ReeferExcellentNone$.00
Lot: 98AF S Gauge: 7 Assorted #900 series Colorful Box Cars & ReefersExcellent None$.00
Lot: 99AF S Gauge: #24319 PA Salt Company Tank CarExcellent Plus None $.00
Lot: 101AF S Gauge: #936 PRR Flatcar w/Cable Reel and Scarce #24518 PRR Flatcar w/WE Cable ReelExcellent None $110.00
Lot: 102AF S Gauge: Nice #24324/24515/24205/24108 Assorted Freight Cars/OBsExcellent PlusOBs$.00
Lot: 103AF S Gauge: 2 #922 DF Box Cars, #981 CG Box Car, #982 State of Maine Box Car, and #983 MP Box Car/OBsexcellent PlusObs$.00
Lot: 104AF S Gauge: 2 #720 Remote Switches (pair); 2 #26760 Remote Switches (pair), and #26762 R.H. Remote Switch/OBsExcellent Plus OBs$.00
Lot: 106AF S Gauge: #474/475 Rocket PA AA Alco Diesel EnginesVery GoodNone $.00
Lot: 107AF S Gauge: #937 MKT Box Car, #947 NP Reefer, #981 CG Box Car, #982 State of Maine Box Car and #989 NW Box CarExcellent None $.00
Lot: 108AF S Gauge: 2 #916 D&H Container Gondolas, #920 Southern Gondola, #921 T&P Gondola, and #911 C&O Pipe Car/OBsExcellent OBs$.00
Lot: 109AF S Gauge: #274 Harbor Junction Freight Station/OBExcellent PlusOB$.00
Lot: 110AF S Gauge: #230-99 Frontiersman Electric Train Set/OBExcellent Plus OB$.00
Lot: 111Rare AF S Gauge #1 (Dealer) Car Assortment/OBsMint OBs$5.00
Lot: 112AF S Gauge: #370 GM GP7 Diesel EngineExcellent None $.00
Lot: 113AF S Gauge: S Fest 6 Freight Cars, Tender Cab and 7 Car Cabs Excellent None $.00
Lot: 114American Models S Gauge: 7 Assorted Cars/OBsLike New OBs$.00
Lot: 116AF S Gauge: #793 Union Station and #799 Union Talking StationExcellent None $.00
Lot: 118AF S Gauge: 7 #720 Straight Track and 1 #702 Curved Track/Blue & Yellow OBsExcellent Plus OBs$.00
Lot: 119AF/Lionel S Gauge: 10 #9706 New York Central Box Cars/OBsLike New OBs$.00
Lot: 121AF S Gauge: #499 New Haven EP-5 GE Electric LocomotiveExcellent None $.00
Lot: 122AF S Gauge: #780 Trestle Set, #783 Hi-RR Trestle Set, #748 Overhead Footbridge, and #26783 Hi-RR Trestle Set/OBsExcellent Plus OBs$.00
Lot: 123AF S Gauge: #951/952/953/954 Green Heavyweight Passenger CarsExcellent None $.00
Lot: 124AF S Gauge: #24323 Baker's Chocolate Tank Car (Gray Ends)Excellent None$.00
Lot: 126AF S Gauge: #21922 Missouri Pacific PA Alco A Diesel Engine and #24859/24859 Passenger Cars Excellent None $.00
Lot: 127AF/Lionel S Gauge: #49946 SP Daylight Streamline Baggage Car and #49947 SP Daylight Streamline Full Vista Dome Car/OBsMint OBs$.00
Lot: 128AF S Gauge: #24054 SF Box Car, #24076 UP Stock Car and #24230 Peabody Hopper/OBsExcellent Plus OBs$.00
Lot: 132AF S Gauge: #342AC NPR 0-8-0 Steam Engine & TenderExcellent None $.00
Lot: 133AF S Gauge: #2 Assorted (Dealer) Freight Set/OBsMint Master/OBs$5.00
Lot: 136AF S Gauge: 2 #322 NYC 4-6-4 Hudson Steam Engines & SIT TendersNone$.00
Lot: 137AF S Gauge: 7 (pairs) #720A Complete Remote Control Track Switches/OBsExcellent Plus OBs$.00
Lot: 138AF S Gauge: #952/953 Maroon Heavyweight Passenger Cars/OBExcellent PlusOB$.00
Lot: 139AF S Gauge: 8 Assorted Track Side Accessories and Street Lamps/OBsExcellent OBs$.00
Lot: 142AF S Gauge: #901 NP Passenger CarExcellent Plus None $.00
Lot: 143AF S Gauge: 8 Boxes of Remote Control Track Switches (2 are Single Right Track Switches)/Red & White OBsExcellent OBs$.00
Lot: 144AF S Gauge: 2 #248134 Hamilton Red Stripe Vista Domes, #962 Hamilton Silver Vista Dome, and #962 New Haven Orange Stripe Jefferson Passenger Car/OBExcellent 1 OB $.00
Lot: 146AF/Lionel S Gauge: 9 #9000 Baltimore and Ohio Flat Cars with Vans/OBsLike New OBs$.00
Lot: 147AF S Gauge: 2 #19B (300 Watts) TransformersExcellent Plus None $.00
Lot: 148AF S Gauge: #24056 B&M Box Car and #24059 B&M Box CarExcellent None $.00
Lot: 149AF S Gauge: #21813 M&StL Baldwin Diesel Engine and #962/24867/24868 Passenger Cars (Uncatalogued Set #20193)Excellent None $.00
Lot: 151AF S Gauge: #162 Mysto Magic Company Factory/OBExcellent Plus OB$.00
Lot: 152AF S Gauge: #21084 NW 4-6-2 Steam Engine & Tender, #21085 NW 4-6-2 Steam Engine & Tender, and #21085 Milwaukee 4-6-2 Steam Engine & TenderExcellent None $.00
Lot: 153AF S Gauge: #270 Newsstand and #767 Roadside DinerExcellent None $.00
Lot: 154AF S Gauge: #936 Pennsylvania Depressed Flat Car w/Coil, #982 State Maine Box Car and #980 B&O Box CarExcellentNone $.00
Lot: 156AF S Gauge: #326 4-6-4 NYC Hudson Steam Engine & Tender and #322 4-6-4 NYC Hudson Steam Engine & SIT Tender$.00
Lot: 157AF S Gauge: 10 Assorted S Fest Club Freight Cars and ShellsNone $.00
Lot: 158AF S Gauge: 14 Assorted Hopper CarsNone$.00
Lot: 159AF S Gauge: #336 Union Pacific 4-8-4 Northern Steam Engine & TenderNone $.00
Lot: 162AF S Gauge: 2 #24633 Cabooses and #24618 (935) Deluxe Caboose/OBsExcellent Plus OBs$.00
Lot: 163AF S Gauge: #585 Tool Shed, #741 Hand Car & Shed, and #764 Express Office/OBsExcellent 4 OBs$.00
Lot: 165VERY RARE AF S Gauge: #24536 Monon Flat Car with AF TrailersExcellent Plus None$160.00
Lot: 173AF S Gauge: #768 Gulf Oil Supply Depot and 2 #768 Shell Oil Supply Depots/OBExcellent 1 OB$.00
Lot: 174AF S Gauge: 3 #921 Coal Cars and #24039 & 925 Sunoco Tank Cars/OBsExcellentOBs$.00
Lot: 179MTH/AF-Lionel S Gauge: 7 Assorted Freight Cars/OBsMint OBs$.00
Lot: 183AF #22035 (175 watts) Transformer/OBExcellent OB$.00
Lot: 189AF S Gauge: Texas 7 Pacific/AF Lines #377/378 GP Diesel UnitsExcellent None $.00
Lot: 191AF S Gauge: #332 Union Pacific 4-8-4 Northern Steam Engine & TenderNone $.00
Lot: 193Unknown Manufacturer 2 #1992 Fall S Fest Passenger Car Kits/OBsOBs$.00
Lot: 196AF S Gauge: #24043 Boston and Maine Box Car and #24048 Minneapolis and St. Louis Box Car Excellent$.00
Lot: 199AF S Gauge: #C1001 WSX Box Car, #62004 Morton Salt Hopper, Keystone Line Box Car, and Simmons Reefer (fakes)None$.00
Lot: 207AF S Gauge: #24309/24321/24216/24539/24225 Assortedd Cars/OBs4 OBs$.00
Lot: 210AF S Gauge: #24222 Domino Sugar Covered HopperExcellent None $.00
Lot: 218AF/OATH/Other S Gauge: 9 Assorted Club Cars and Gateway Arch/OBsExcellent Plus 3 OBs$.00
Lot: 222AF S Gauge: 7 Assorted Bridges/OBsExcellent 4 OBs$.00
Lot: 224Scarce AF S Gauge: #26421 Accessory Pack which includes the #25515 Rocket Sled and #25046 Rocket Launcher/OBsLike New $.00
Lot: 234AF S Gauge: 2 #24065 NYC Box Cars/OBsExcellentOBs$.00
Lot: 237AF/Lionel S Gauge: #49805 Gabe the Lamplighter 23780, #49809 Water Tower 772 and #49810 Log Loader 787/OBsLike New OBs$.00
Lot: 246AF S Gauge: #332AC Union Pacific 4-8-4 Challenger Steam Engine & TenderNone $.00
Lot: 257AF S Gauge: #30B Twin Power 300 Watts TransformerNone$.00
Lot: 263AF S Gauge: #272 Glendale Station and Newsstand and #271 Whistle Stop Set of 3Excellent None $.00
Lot: 267AF S Gauge #758A Sam The Semaphore and #23785 Operating Coal Loader/OBsExcellent OBs$.00
Lot: 272AF/American Models S Gauge: #4103 Chicago and North Western FA-2 Engine, #49945 Denver & Rio Grande Streamliner Passenger Car, #299 Rutland Box Car, #9705 Chesapeake and Ohio Box Car and #49835 Semaphore Block Signal 588/OBsExcellent/LN3 OBs$.00
Lot: 274AF S Gauge: #25019 (973) Operating Milk Car/OBExcellent OB$.00
Lot: 279AF S Gauge: #795 Union Station & Terminal/OBExcellent OB$.00
Lot: 280AF S Gauge: Northern Pacific #21551 Alco A 4 Car Passenger Set/OBsExcellent Plus5 OBs$.00
Lot: 281AF S Gauge: #332 Union Pacific Engine & Tender/Large Motor VariationNone $.00
Lot: 282AF S Gauge: #470/471/473 Red/Silver Santa Fe ABA Alco Diesel UnitsExcellent None $.00
Lot: 287AF/Lionel S Gauge: #8112/8113 Missouri Pacific AA Units and #8910/8911/8912/8913/48914/48933 Missouri Pacific Passenger Cars/OBsExcellent 2 OBs$.00
Lot: 294AF/Lionel S Gauge: #49942 NYC Full Vista Dome and 2 #49940 Santa Fe Full Vista Dome/OBsMintOBs$.00
Lot: 296AF S Gauge: #20550 Frontiersman Set/OBExcellentSet OB $.00
Lot: 299Nice AF S Gauge: #961/962/963 Orange Stripe Passenger Cars/OBsExcellent Plus OBs$.00
Lot: 308AF S Gauge: #771 Operating Stock Yard and Car/OBExcellent Plus OB$.00
Lot: 309AF S Gauge: #343 NPR 0-8-0 Steam Engine & TenderNone $.00

Note: Private Internet-only Auctions are conducted by Drew J. Bauer, Esquire. Drew is a member of the Bars of the Courts of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania and the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.


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