AmbroseBauer Trains
The Nation's Foremost Marketplace of Toy Trains & Toy Train Auctions
  Legal   Office:   Post   Office   Box   14537,   Pittsburgh    Pennsylvania    15234  
  Telephone: 412 - 833-1700 Fax: 412 - 833-1170 E-mail:  

Lot #: Title: Condition: Box:
Lot: 2AF/Lionel S Gauge: #48033 Rock Island GP-7 Engine and #48049 Southern Pacific SD-9 Engine/OBsLike New OBs
Lot: 3AF S Gauge: #23796 Operating Saw Mill Accessory/OBLike New OB
Lot: 4AF/Lionel S Gauge: #49606 Silver Flash Passenger Set/OBsLike New OBs
Lot: 5AF S Gauge: #484/485/485 Santa Fe Blue/Yellow Alco ABA Blue/Yellow Diesel EnginesExcellent Plus None
Lot: 6AF S Gauge: #499 New Haven EP-5 ElectricExcellent None
Lot: 7AF/Lionel S Gauge: 7 Assorted Add-On Engines and Cars/OBsLike New OBs
Lot: 8AF/Lionel S Gauge: 10 Assorted Freight Cars/OBsLike New OBs
Lot: 9AF S Gauge: #952/953/954 Maroon Heavyweight Passenger CarsExcellent Plus None
Lot: 11American Models S Gauge: #5628 Burlington Northern 4-8-4 Northern Steam Engine w/Chug & Smoke/OBLike New OB
Lot: 12AF S Gauge: #750 Trestle Bridge/OBExcellentOB
Lot: 13AF/Lionel S Gauge: #48245/48240/48238/48216 Assorted Club Cars/OBsLike New OBs
Lot: 14AF S Gauge: #25015 (971) Lumber Unloading Car and #25016 Lumber Unloading Car/OBsExcellent Plus OBs
Lot: 15AF S Gauge: #490/491/493 (4913) NP PA ABA Alco Diesel Engines/Separate Sale Master OBExcellent Plus OBs
Lot: 16AF S Gauge: #21561 New Haven Alco A Diesel EngineExcellent PlusNone
Lot: 17AF S Gauge: #23743 Track Maintenance Car/Clear PackExcellentClear Pack OB
Lot: 18AF/Lionel S Gauge: #48968 Santa Fe Passenger Cars Set of 2 and #49942 New York Central Passenger Car,/OBsLike New OBs
Lot: 19AF S Gauge: #24578 Corvette Sports Car Transport with Car Kit/OBLike NewOB
Lot: 21AF S Gauge: #20520 New Haven Electric Passenger Set/OBExcellentSet OB
Lot: 227 Assorted American Flyer #26 Service Kits/OBsExcellent Plus OBs
Lot: 23Lionel/AF S Gauge: #48008 New Haven Electric Engine/OBLike New OB
Lot: 24Scarce AF S Gauge: #25060 CB&Q Coal Dump Car/OBExcellent Plus OB
Lot: 25AF S Gauge: #5570-H Silver Rocket Passenger Set/OBsLike New Set OB/OBs
Lot: 26AF S Gauge #24856/24859/24863/24866 Missouri Pacific The Eagle Passenger Cars/OBsExcellent Plus2 OBs
Lot: 27AF S Gauge: #758A Sam the Semaphore Man and 2 #596 Water Tanks/OBsExcellent OBs
Lot: 28AF S Gaug: 2 #25025 C.B. & Q. Operating Dump Cars/OBsExcellent Plus OBs
Lot: 29AF S Gauge: #470/471/473 AF ABA Units and #960/961/962/963 Red-Stripe Passenger CarsExcellentNone
Lot: 30Lionel/AF S Gauge: #48060 (1068) Chesapeake and Ohio Mikado 2-8-2 Steam Engine and Tender/OBLike New OB
Lot: 31AF S Gauge: #21902 Santa Fe The Chief #470/471/473 ABA Diesel Units/Seperate Sale Master/OBsExcellent Plus Master/OBs
Lot: 32AF S Gauge: #25042 Erie Action Box Car/OBExcellent Plus OB
Lot: 33AF S Gauge: #24577 Jet Engine Transport Car/OBExcellent Plus OB
Lot: 34AF S Gauge: #951/955/955 Maroon Passenger Cars/SilhouettesExcellent None
Lot: 35RARE AF S Gauge: #24320 Deep Rock Tank Car Excellent Plus
Lot: 37AF S Gauge: 2 #25016 Lumber Unloading Cars/OBsExcellentOBs
Lot: 38AF S Gauge: #981 Central Georgia Box Car and #24042/985 Boston Maine Box Car/OBsExcellentOBs
Lot: 39AF S Gauge: #21205/21205-1 Boston and Maine F-9 AA Units and #21215/21215-1 Union Pacific F-9 AA UnitsExcellent PlusNone
Lot: 40AF S Gauge: #21920/21920-1 MP PA1 Alco AA Diesel Engines/OBExcellent PlusOB
Lot: 41AF S Gauge: #20340 New Haven Alco A Passenger Train Set/OBExcellent Plus OB
Lot: 42AF S Gauge: #24419 Canadian National Reefer and #24054 Santa Fe Box Car/OBsExcellent PlusOBs
Lot: 43AF S Gauge: Three #23778 Sets of 3 Boulevard Lamps/OBsLike New OBs
Lot: 45AF S Gauge: #377/378 Texas & Pacific Power & Non Power GP Diesel UnitsExcellent None
Lot: 46AF S Gauge: 7 boxes of #700 Straight Track Sets of 12/Red & White OBsExcellent Plus OBs
Lot: 47AF S Gauge: S Fest #2 Milwaukee Road 4-6-2 Steam Engine and Tender and 8 Assorted Cars None
Lot: 49AF S Gauge: #911 Pipe Car and #24109 Pipe Car (Red Pipes)/OBsExcellent Plus OBs
Lot: 51VERY RARE AF S Gauge: #24536 Monon Flat Car w/Trailers/OBExcellent Plus Poor OB
Lot: 52AF S Gauge: #24077 Northern Pacific Stock Car and #994/24076 Union Pacific Stock CarsExcellentNone
Lot: 53AF S Gauge: 20 Assorted GondolasExcellent None
Lot: 54Mint AF/Lionel S Gauge: #49960 Route of the Reindeer Streamliner Passenger Cars Set of 3/OBsMint OBs
Lot: 55AF S Gauge: #494/495 New Haven Alco AA LocomotivesExcellent None
Lot: 56AF S Gauge: 6 Assorted Colorful Box CarsExcellent None
Lot: 57AF S Gauge: 7 #700 Straight Track Sets of 12 and 8 #702 Curved Track Sets of 12/Blue & Yellow OBsExcellent PlusOBs
Lot: 58AF S Gauge: #21160 Reading 4-4-2 Engine and Tender and 2 #283 Chicago Northwestern 4-6-2 Engines and TendersExcellent None
Lot: 59AF/Lionel S Gauge: #49810 Log Loader 787/OBLike New OB
Lot: 60RARE AF S Gauge: #24420 Simmons Carload Bargain Sale Box CarExcellent PlusNone
Lot: 61American Models S Gauge: Burlington BUDD 4-Car Passenger Set and 3 passenger Cars/OBsLike NewOBs
Lot: 6296 pieces of American Flyer Black Rubber Roadbed/OBsLike NewOBs
Lot: 63AF S Gauge: 2 #25003 Operating Dump Cars/OBsExcellent OBs
Lot: 64AF S Gauge: RARE #24575 Bordens Milk Transport Car/Clear PackExcellentClear OB
Lot: 65AF S Gauge: #21910/21720/21910-2 Blue/Yellow Santa Fe Alco ABA Diesel Units/OBsExcellent PlusOBs
Lot: 66AF S Gauge: #21156 0-6-0 Steam EngineExcellent PlusNone
Lot: 67AF/Lionel S Gauge: 14 Assorted Holiday Freight Cars/OBsMint OBs
Lot: 68AF S Gauge: 18 Customized S Fest Freight CarsNone
Lot: 69AF S Gauge: Missouri Pacific #24856 The Eagle Combine Car, #24859 Coach, #24863 Vista Dome, and #24866 ObservationExcellent Plus None
Lot: 70RARE AF S Gauge: #C1001 Whites Box CarExcellent PlusNone
Lot: 71American Models S Gauge: #42501 Burlington 425B Diesel Engine/OBLike New~OB
Lot: 72AF S Gauge: #20345 New Haven EP-5 Electric Freight Set Box Set BoxSet Box
Lot: 73AF S Gauge: 6 #2530 Union Pacific Flat Car with Trailers/Customized S Fest
Lot: 74AF S Gauge: #24320 Deep Rock Tank Car and #24321 Deep Rock Tank CarExcellent None
Lot: 76AF S Gauge #24730 Overland Express Baggage Car, #24565 Flatcar w/ Cannon, and #24055 Gold Belt Box Car/OBsLike NewOBs
Lot: 77AF S Gauge: #24047 Great Northern Red Box Car and 2 #24422 Great Northern Reefers w/siding DoorsExcellent PlusNone
Lot: 78scarce AF S Gauge: #2 Car Assortment (Dealers)/OBsLike NewOBs
Lot: 79AF S Gauge: #22035 Transformer/OBExcellent PlusOB+
Lot: 80RARE AF S Gauge: #24323 Baker's Chocolate Tank Car (white ends)Excellent Plus None
Lot: 81AF S Gauge: #21206/21206-1 Santa Fe Diesel F-9 AA UnitsExcellent PlusNone
Lot: 82AF S Gauge: #918 Operating Dump Car and #25019 Operating Milk Car/OBsExcellentOBs
Lot: 83AF/Lionel S Gauge: 14 Assorted Freight Cars/OBsLike NewOBs
Lot: 84AF S Gauge: #918 Maroon Mail Pickup Baggage Car/OBExcellent PlusOB
Lot: 85AF S Gauge: 8 Assorted 3 Digit Colorful Box CarsExcellent/E+none
Lot: 86AF S Gauge: #470/471/473 Santa Fe Red/Silver Alco ABA Diesel Units (Chrome)Excellent Plus None
Lot: 87AF/Lionel S Gauge: 14 Assorted Cars/OBs
Lot: 88AF S Gauge: #31 Road Signs and #35 Brakeman with Lantern Set of 3/OBsExcellent PlusOBs
Lot: 89AF S Gauge: #702 Curved Track, 3 #26720 Curved Track, 5 #702 Straight Track, and #26700 Straight Track/Red & White OBsExcellent PlusOBs
Lot: 90AF S Gauge: #484/485/486 Santa Fe Blue/Yellow Alco ABA Diesel UnitsExcellent PlusNone
Lot: 91American Models S Gauge: #9372 Burlington Northern S-12 Switcher/OBLike NewOB
Lot: 92AF HO Gauge: #35780 Coal Loader, #19333 Keg Loading Conveyor, and 2 #35785 Coal Unloaders with Hoppers/OBsExcellent PlusOBs
Lot: 93AF S Gauge: #24042/985 B&M Box Car and #24028/982 State Maine Box Car/OBsExcellent PlusOBs
Lot: 94AF S Gauge: #957/974/25042 Erie Action Box CarsExcellentNone
Lot: 96America Models S Gauge: Burlington EMD E-8 Engine/OBLike NewOB
Lot: 97AF S Gauge: #24036 NH Box Car, #24066 L&N Box Car, #24054 SF Box Car, #24039 RG Box Car, and #24413 MP ReeferExcellentNone
Lot: 98AF S Gauge: 7 Assorted #900 series Colorful Box Cars & ReefersExcellent None
Lot: 99AF S Gauge: #24319 PA Salt Company Tank CarExcellent Plus None
Lot: 101AF S Gauge: #936 PRR Flatcar w/Cable Reel and Scarce #24518 PRR Flatcar w/WE Cable ReelExcellent None
Lot: 102AF S Gauge: Nice #24324/24515/24205/24108 Assorted Freight Cars/OBsExcellent PlusOBs
Lot: 103AF S Gauge: 2 #922 DF Box Cars, #981 CG Box Car, #982 State of Maine Box Car, and #983 MP Box Car/OBsexcellent PlusObs
Lot: 104AF S Gauge: 2 #720 Remote Switches (pair); 2 #26760 Remote Switches (pair), and #26762 R.H. Remote Switch/OBsExcellent Plus OBs
Lot: 106AF S Gauge: #474/475 Rocket PA AA Alco Diesel EnginesVery GoodNone
Lot: 107AF S Gauge: #937 MKT Box Car, #947 NP Reefer, #981 CG Box Car, #982 State of Maine Box Car and #989 NW Box CarExcellent None
Lot: 108AF S Gauge: 2 #916 D&H Container Gondolas, #920 Southern Gondola, #921 T&P Gondola, and #911 C&O Pipe Car/OBsExcellent OBs
Lot: 109AF S Gauge: #274 Harbor Junction Freight Station/OBExcellent PlusOB
Lot: 110AF S Gauge: #230-99 Frontiersman Electric Train Set/OBExcellent Plus OB
Lot: 111Rare AF S Gauge #1 (Dealer) Car Assortment/OBsMint OBs
Lot: 112AF S Gauge: #370 GM GP7 Diesel EngineExcellent None
Lot: 113AF S Gauge: S Fest 6 Freight Cars, Tender Cab and 7 Car Cabs Excellent None
Lot: 114American Models S Gauge: 7 Assorted Cars/OBsLike New OBs
Lot: 116AF S Gauge: #793 Union Station and #799 Union Talking StationExcellent None
Lot: 118AF S Gauge: 7 #720 Straight Track and 1 #702 Curved Track/Blue & Yellow OBsExcellent Plus OBs
Lot: 119AF/Lionel S Gauge: 10 #9706 New York Central Box Cars/OBsLike New OBs
Lot: 121AF S Gauge: #499 New Haven EP-5 GE Electric LocomotiveExcellent None
Lot: 122AF S Gauge: #780 Trestle Set, #783 Hi-RR Trestle Set, #748 Overhead Footbridge, and #26783 Hi-RR Trestle Set/OBsExcellent Plus OBs
Lot: 123AF S Gauge: #951/952/953/954 Green Heavyweight Passenger CarsExcellent None
Lot: 124AF S Gauge: #24323 Baker's Chocolate Tank Car (Gray Ends)Excellent None
Lot: 126AF S Gauge: #21922 Missouri Pacific PA Alco A Diesel Engine and #24859/24859 Passenger Cars Excellent None
Lot: 127AF/Lionel S Gauge: #49946 SP Daylight Streamline Baggage Car and #49947 SP Daylight Streamline Full Vista Dome Car/OBsMint OBs
Lot: 128AF S Gauge: #24054 SF Box Car, #24076 UP Stock Car and #24230 Peabody Hopper/OBsExcellent Plus OBs
Lot: 132AF S Gauge: #342AC NPR 0-8-0 Steam Engine & TenderExcellent None
Lot: 133AF S Gauge: #2 Assorted (Dealer) Freight Set/OBsMint Master/OBs
Lot: 136AF S Gauge: 2 #322 NYC 4-6-4 Hudson Steam Engines & SIT TendersNone
Lot: 137AF S Gauge: 7 (pairs) #720A Complete Remote Control Track Switches/OBsExcellent Plus OBs
Lot: 138AF S Gauge: #952/953 Maroon Heavyweight Passenger Cars/OBExcellent PlusOB
Lot: 139AF S Gauge: 8 Assorted Track Side Accessories and Street Lamps/OBsExcellent OBs
Lot: 142AF S Gauge: #901 NP Passenger CarExcellent Plus None
Lot: 143AF S Gauge: 8 Boxes of Remote Control Track Switches (2 are Single Right Track Switches)/Red & White OBsExcellent OBs
Lot: 144AF S Gauge: 2 #248134 Hamilton Red Stripe Vista Domes, #962 Hamilton Silver Vista Dome, and #962 New Haven Orange Stripe Jefferson Passenger Car/OBExcellent 1 OB
Lot: 146AF/Lionel S Gauge: 9 #9000 Baltimore and Ohio Flat Cars with Vans/OBsLike New OBs
Lot: 147AF S Gauge: 2 #19B (300 Watts) TransformersExcellent Plus None
Lot: 148AF S Gauge: #24056 B&M Box Car and #24059 B&M Box CarExcellent None
Lot: 149AF S Gauge: #21813 M&StL Baldwin Diesel Engine and #962/24867/24868 Passenger Cars (Uncatalogued Set #20193)Excellent None
Lot: 151AF S Gauge: #162 Mysto Magic Company Factory/OBExcellent Plus OB
Lot: 152AF S Gauge: #21084 NW 4-6-2 Steam Engine & Tender, #21085 NW 4-6-2 Steam Engine & Tender, and #21085 Milwaukee 4-6-2 Steam Engine & TenderExcellent None
Lot: 153AF S Gauge: #270 Newsstand and #767 Roadside DinerExcellent None
Lot: 154AF S Gauge: #936 Pennsylvania Depressed Flat Car w/Coil, #982 State Maine Box Car and #980 B&O Box CarExcellentNone
Lot: 156AF S Gauge: #326 4-6-4 NYC Hudson Steam Engine & Tender and #322 4-6-4 NYC Hudson Steam Engine & SIT Tender
Lot: 157AF S Gauge: 10 Assorted S Fest Club Freight Cars and ShellsNone
Lot: 158AF S Gauge: 14 Assorted Hopper CarsNone
Lot: 159AF S Gauge: #336 Union Pacific 4-8-4 Northern Steam Engine & TenderNone
Lot: 162AF S Gauge: 2 #24633 Cabooses and #24618 (935) Deluxe Caboose/OBsExcellent Plus OBs
Lot: 163AF S Gauge: #585 Tool Shed, #741 Hand Car & Shed, and #764 Express Office/OBsExcellent 4 OBs
Lot: 165VERY RARE AF S Gauge: #24536 Monon Flat Car with AF TrailersExcellent Plus None
Lot: 173AF S Gauge: #768 Gulf Oil Supply Depot and 2 #768 Shell Oil Supply Depots/OBExcellent 1 OB
Lot: 174AF S Gauge: 3 #921 Coal Cars and #24039 & 925 Sunoco Tank Cars/OBsExcellentOBs
Lot: 179MTH/AF-Lionel S Gauge: 7 Assorted Freight Cars/OBsMint OBs
Lot: 183AF #22035 (175 watts) Transformer/OBExcellent OB
Lot: 189AF S Gauge: Texas 7 Pacific/AF Lines #377/378 GP Diesel UnitsExcellent None
Lot: 191AF S Gauge: #332 Union Pacific 4-8-4 Northern Steam Engine & TenderNone
Lot: 193Unknown Manufacturer 2 #1992 Fall S Fest Passenger Car Kits/OBsOBs
Lot: 196AF S Gauge: #24043 Boston and Maine Box Car and #24048 Minneapolis and St. Louis Box Car Excellent
Lot: 199AF S Gauge: #C1001 WSX Box Car, #62004 Morton Salt Hopper, Keystone Line Box Car, and Simmons Reefer (fakes)None
Lot: 207AF S Gauge: #24309/24321/24216/24539/24225 Assortedd Cars/OBs4 OBs
Lot: 210AF S Gauge: #24222 Domino Sugar Covered HopperExcellent None
Lot: 218AF/OATH/Other S Gauge: 9 Assorted Club Cars and Gateway Arch/OBsExcellent Plus 3 OBs
Lot: 222AF S Gauge: 7 Assorted Bridges/OBsExcellent 4 OBs
Lot: 224Scarce AF S Gauge: #26421 Accessory Pack which includes the #25515 Rocket Sled and #25046 Rocket Launcher/OBsLike New
Lot: 234AF S Gauge: 2 #24065 NYC Box Cars/OBsExcellentOBs
Lot: 237AF/Lionel S Gauge: #49805 Gabe the Lamplighter 23780, #49809 Water Tower 772 and #49810 Log Loader 787/OBsLike New OBs
Lot: 246AF S Gauge: #332AC Union Pacific 4-8-4 Challenger Steam Engine & TenderNone
Lot: 257AF S Gauge: #30B Twin Power 300 Watts TransformerNone
Lot: 263AF S Gauge: #272 Glendale Station and Newsstand and #271 Whistle Stop Set of 3Excellent None
Lot: 267AF S Gauge #758A Sam The Semaphore and #23785 Operating Coal Loader/OBsExcellent OBs
Lot: 272AF/American Models S Gauge: #4103 Chicago and North Western FA-2 Engine, #49945 Denver & Rio Grande Streamliner Passenger Car, #299 Rutland Box Car, #9705 Chesapeake and Ohio Box Car and #49835 Semaphore Block Signal 588/OBsExcellent/LN3 OBs
Lot: 274AF S Gauge: #25019 (973) Operating Milk Car/OBExcellent OB
Lot: 279AF S Gauge: #795 Union Station & Terminal/OBExcellent OB
Lot: 280AF S Gauge: Northern Pacific #21551 Alco A 4 Car Passenger Set/OBsExcellent Plus5 OBs
Lot: 281AF S Gauge: #332 Union Pacific Engine & Tender/Large Motor VariationNone
Lot: 282AF S Gauge: #470/471/473 Red/Silver Santa Fe ABA Alco Diesel UnitsExcellent None
Lot: 287AF/Lionel S Gauge: #8112/8113 Missouri Pacific AA Units and #8910/8911/8912/8913/48914/48933 Missouri Pacific Passenger Cars/OBsExcellent 2 OBs
Lot: 294AF/Lionel S Gauge: #49942 NYC Full Vista Dome and 2 #49940 Santa Fe Full Vista Dome/OBsMintOBs
Lot: 296AF S Gauge: #20550 Frontiersman Set/OBExcellentSet OB
Lot: 299Nice AF S Gauge: #961/962/963 Orange Stripe Passenger Cars/OBsExcellent Plus OBs
Lot: 308AF S Gauge: #771 Operating Stock Yard and Car/OBExcellent Plus OB
Lot: 309AF S Gauge: #343 NPR 0-8-0 Steam Engine & TenderNone