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Sunday, January 12, 2025 Pre-War Premium Toy Trains Auction:

Our Pre-War Premium Toy Trains Auction starts at 6:00 p.m. (EST)(NEW TIME) Sunday, January 12, 2025. Bids may be placed on each lot by using AuctionsBy™, the Live On-Line Bidding System on the AmbroseBauer Trains' WebSite or on

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Pennsylvania Sales Tax will be collected on items sold to individuals who reside in Pennsylvania and who do not have a current Resale Tax Exemption Certificate on file. Pennsylvania Sales Tax is Seven Percent.

Please Double-Click on the Lot Numbers in the List Below to see in Detail that Particular Lot with all Pictures of that Lot as well as a Bidding Box to place your Absentee Bids. The Bidding Box to place your Snipe Bids is at the bottom of the Lot Detailed Page. You may also bid live during the auction by clicking the TAKE ME LIVE menu item to your left.

Our Internet-only Auctions are conducted in Maryland.

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Lot #: Title: Condition: Box: Sold Price:
Lot: 1AF Wide Gauge 1927 President's Special: #4687 Blue Electric Engine and RPO Baggage Car, West Point Pullman and Annapolis Observation CarExcellent/E-None $720.00
Lot: 2McCoy Standard Gauge #1 Wapid Wabbit Motorized Railbus OBExcellent Plus OB$280.00
Lot: 3AF Hiawatha #970-T Streamline #119 Engine & Tender and 3 Streamline Passenger CarsVery GioidNone $120.00
Lot: 4American Flyer #1621G/1621G/1621G/1622G Streamline Two Tone Green Streamlined Passenger CarsExcellent Minus None $170.00
Lot: 5AF Hiawatha #1741-RW Deluxe 4 Car Passenger SetVery GoodNone$410.00
Lot: 6Scarce Lionel #814R White/Tuscan Roof Lionel Lines ReeferExcellent None $920.00
Lot: 7Bing 1 Gauge N.Y.C. & H.R. 4-4-0 Steam Engine & Tender and #1207/1250 Passenger CarsExcellent Minus/VG+None $300.00
Lot: 8Lionel #263E/2263W Gun Metal 2-4-2 Steam Engine & Whistle Tender/OBsExcellent OBs $330.00
Lot: 9McCoy Standard Gauge #17761 1954 TCA Electric EngineExcellent None $170.00
Lot: 10Scarce Lionel #203 Armor Tank Engine and #900 Ammunition CarVery GoodNone$780.00
Lot: 11Lionel #250E/250W Orange Hiawatha Streamline Engine & Tender and #782/283/784 Streamline Passenger CarsVery Good Plus None $700.00
Lot: 12Scarce Lionel #2814 Orange/Brown Roof Rubber-Stamped Lionel Lines Box CarExcellentNone $600.00
Lot: 13Lionel #265E/265WX 2-4-2 Blue Streak NYC Commodore Vanderbilt Engine & Tender and #617/618/619 Streamline Passenger CarsVery Good Plus/E-None $620.00
Lot: 14Great AF #435/433A 4-6-2 Steam Engine & Diecast TenderExcellentNone$260.00
Lot: 15Lionel #291E (264E/265T Red Comet Commodore Vanderbilt Engine & Tender and #603/603/604 Red Passenger Cars)Very Good PlusNone$180.00
Lot: 16AF Tan/Green Potomac Passenger Set/Set OB/OBsExcellent Set /OBs$720.00
Lot: 17Lionel #1107 Donald Duck Hand Car w/White HouseExcellent Minus None $260.00
Lot: 18Lionel #2814R Ivory/Tuscan Roof Lionel Lines ReeferExcellent None $680.00
Lot: 19Lionel #1536 Mickey Mouse Circus Train SetVery Good Plus None $540.00
Lot: 20Rare Lionel #225E/2235W Gunmetal Steam Engine & Diecast Tender ExcellentNone $1100.00
Lot: 21Very Scarce AF Wide Gauge #1468 Legionnaire Set (#4637 Green/Yellow Electric Engine and #4380/4381/4382 Yellow/Green Passenger Cars)/Set/OBsExcellent MinusSet/OBs$13750.00
Lot: 22Lionel 1935-37 #1103 Peter Rabbit Chick Mobile Hand Car w/Flanged WheelsExcellent Minus None $230.00
Lot: 23Lionel #156 NYC Brown Electric Engine and #610/612 Brown Passenger CarsVery Good None $600.00
Lot: 24AF #3020 4-4-4 Electric Twenty Century Limited Green Passenger SetVery Good Plus None $270.00
Lot: 25Nice Lionel #700E (5344) Scale J-1E Hudson Steam Engine and Diecast NYC TenderExcellent MinusNone$2750.00
Lot: 26Nice Lionel #792 Rail Chief Streamliner Front Coach, 2 #793 Streamliner Coach, #794 Streamliner Observation Car, and #752T Vestibule/OBsExcellent OBs $1450.00
Lot: 27Lionel #1105 Santa Claus/Mickey Mouse Hand Car w/Red Base Excellent Minus~None $450.00
Lot: 28AF #1217 Broadway Limited Set (#3011 Pennsylvania Electric Engine and 3 PA #1206-Series Passenger Cars)Excellent Minus None $80.00
Lot: 29Lionel #2640/2640/2641 Late Two Tone Green Passenger Cars/OBsExcellent PlusOBs $120.00
Lot: 30Lionel #424 Liberty Bell Coach, #425 Stephen Girard Coach, and #426 Coral Isle Observation CarExcellent None $800.00
Lot: 31RARE Lionel Standard Gauge #515 Orange Shell Tank CarExcellent Minus None $230.00
Lot: 32Lionel #1100 Mickey & Minnie Hand Car w/Orange BaseExcellent Minus None $490.00
Lot: 33Lionel #254 Pea Green Electric Engine (Scarce Orange Hatches) - Es on DoorExcellent None $240.00
Lot: 34Lionel #225E/2225W 2-6-2 Black Steam Engine & Whistle Diecast TenderExcellent None $140.00
Lot: 35Lionel Standard Gauge #385E/385W 2-4-2 Gunmetal Steam Engine & Diecast Whistle Tender/OBsExcellent OBs $410.00
Lot: 36Lionel Standard Gauge #1766/1767/1768 Red/Maroon Passenger Cars/OBsExcellent/E-OBs$310.00
Lot: 37Lionel/Winner Toy Co #1015/1016 Steam Engine & Tender and 1011/1011/1020 Passenger CarsVery Good Plus None $120.00
Lot: 38Rare Lionel #2817 Caboose/RS Colors and Nickel Plates/OBExcellent OB $1050.00
Lot: 39Lionel #710/710/712 Red Passenger CarsExcellent/E-None $290.00
Lot: 40Lionel Standard Gauge #392E/392W Gunmetal Steam Engine & TenderExcellentNone $490.00
Lot: 41Lionel Scale #714 Die-Cast Pennsylvania Box Car, #715 Die-Cast Sunoco Tank Car, #716 Die-Cast B&O Hopper, and #717 Die-Cast NYC CabooseExcellent Plus None $1750.00
Lot: 42Nice AF #447 2-6-4 Black Diecast Steam Engine & #448A Diecast TenderExcellent None$350.00
Lot: 43AF #1322-RT Illinois Central Light Green/Yellow Streamline Engine & Tender and 3 Streamline Passenger CarsVery Good Plus None $360.00
Lot: 44Lionel #226E/2226W 2-6-4 Black Steam Engine & Diecast Whistle TenderExcellent MinusNone $360.00
Lot: 45Lionel #763E/2263W Gunmetal Hudson Steam Engine & Whistle TenderExcellentNone $1100.00
Lot: 46Williams Standard Gauge #8 Pay As You Enter TrolleyExcellentNone $160.00
Lot: 47Lionel #636W Union Pacific City of Denver Streamline Engine and #637/637/638 Streamline Passenger Cars w/3 VestibulesVery Good/ExcellentNone $260.00
Lot: 48Lionel #203/2203B Semi-Scale Pennsylvania 0-6-0 Steam Switcher Engine & TenderExcellentNone $230.00
Lot: 49Ives Standard Gauge #1770E/1760T Steam Engine & TenderExcellent Minus None $900.00
Lot: 50Lionel Standard Gauge #411E Green 4 Car State Set (381E Green Electric & #412/3/4/6 Passenger Cars)Excellent Minus None $2700.00
Lot: 51AF #1621-6B/1621-6B/1622-6B Two-Tone Blue American Flyer Lines Streamline Passenger CarsExcellent None $460.00
Lot: 52AF #43226 4-6-2 Pacific Engine and 12 Wheel TenderExcellent Minus None $280.00
Lot: 53Lionel #2816 Black Hopper and #2817 Red/Tuscan CabooseExcellentNone $260.00
Lot: 54Scarce Lionel #616/617/618 Red Top/Smooth Sides Flying Yankee SetVery Good Plus None $260.00
Lot: 55Lionel #701E/T (8976) Scale Pennsylvania B6 Switcher (RS) and Slopeback Tender w/Back-Up LightExcellent None$1050.00
Lot: 56Lionel #2613/2613/2614/2615 Two Tone Green Late Passenger CarsVery Good/Excellent MinusNone $250.00
Lot: 57Lionel #1685/1685/1687 Two Tone Red Passenger CarsExcellentNone $170.00
Lot: 58Lionel #260E Steam Engine & Tender/Cream StripesVery Good Plus None $340.00
Lot: 59Late Lionel Standard Gauge #213 Stock Car, #214 Automobile Furniture Car, and #217 CabooseExcellent None$260.00
Lot: 60Lionel Standard Gauge #396E (400E) Blue Comet Passenger Set/Brass TrimVery Good Plus/Excellent MinusNone $2450.00
Lot: 61AF Wide Gauge #4678 Hamiltonian Train Set (Includes #4678 Electric Engine and #4340/4341/4342 Passenger Cars)Excellent MinusNone $660.00
Lot: 6211 Assorted #2600 Series Late Lionel Freight CarsExcellentMinus/Excellent None$200.00
Lot: 63Lionel #613/614/615 Burnt Orange/Maroon Passenger CarsExcellent Minus None $130.00
Lot: 64Lionel #238E/265W 4-4-2 Gray Torpedo Engine and Whistle TenderExcellent Minus None$95.00
Lot: 65Lionel #256 Orange Electric Engine and #710/710/712 Passenger CarsExcellent MinusNone $1000.00
Lot: 66Nice American Flyer #3380/3381/3382 Red Deluxe AFL Passenger CarsExcellent None $180.00
Lot: 67Lionel Semi-Scale #2954 PRR Box Car, #2955 Shell Tank Car, #2956 B&O Hopper, and #2957 NYC Caboose Excellent None $600.00
Lot: 68Lionel #600/601/602 Blue/Silver Passenger CarsExcellent Minus None $95.00
Lot: 69Lionel #227 (8976)/2227B PRR 0-6-0 B6 Steam Engine & Tender/OBsExcellent OBs$760.00
Lot: 70Lionel Standard Gauge #392E/392W 4-4-2 Black w/Brass & Copper Trim Steam Engine & 12 Wheel Whistle TenderExcellent None $1200.00
Lot: 71Lionel Standard Gauge #342E Baby State Passenger Set (#318E Light Brown Electric Engine and #309/310/312 Passenger Cars)/OBsExcellent Minus 3 OBs$320.00
Lot: 72Lionel #257/258 Steam Engines and 257T/258T TendersExcellent Minus None $200.00
Lot: 73Lionel #261 2-4-2 Steam Engine & Tender and #262E/262T 2-4-2 Steam Engine & TenderExcellent Minus/VG+None $160.00
Lot: 74Very Scarce Red/Maroon Lionel #1701 Coach, #1702 Observation, and #1703 Front End Car /Rail Chief Jr.Excellent None $820.00
Lot: 75Lionel Standard Gauge #366W 1835E Black Steam/310 Series Two-Tone Blue Passenger Set/Set OB/OBsExcellent Set/OBs$1700.00
Lot: 76Lionel #4 Gray Bild-A-Loco Electric Engine and #605/605/606 Gray Passenger Cars w/Apple Green Roof StripesExcellent None $2250.00
Lot: 77Nice American Flyer #429 0-6-0 Diecast Steam Engine & TenderExcellentNone $150.00
Lot: 78Lionel #600/601/602 Red/Ivory Passenger Cars/OBsExcellent OBs$290.00
Lot: 79Lionel Blue Comet #263E/2263W 2-4-2 Steam Engine & Tender and #613/614/615 Passenger CarsExcellent Minus/VG+None $760.00
Lot: 80Lionel Standard Gauge Black #400E/400T 4-4-4 Steam Engine & 12 Wheel Oil TenderExcellent None $1550.00
Lot: 81Lionel #251E Electric Engine and #605/605/606 Passenger Cars (red) Very Good Plus None $230.00
Lot: 82Nice Lionel #86 Telegraph Post Set/OBExcellent Plus OB $160.00
Lot: 838 Assorted #800 Series Small 4 Wheel Lionel Freight CarsNone$95.00
Lot: 84Lionel #225E/2235W 2-6-2 Black Steam Engine & Diecast Whistle TenderExcellent None$120.00
Lot: 85Lionel Standard Gauge #9 Bild-A-Loco Green Engine/OBExcellent OB$3500.00
Lot: 86Lionel Standard Gauge 1925 Red/Cream Passenger Set, Includes #8 Electric Engine and #337 Coach and #338 Observation Car/OBsExcellent Minus OB $220.00
Lot: 87Lionel 2 #814R Refrigerator Cars and #2814R Refrigerator CarNone $100.00
Lot: 88AF Wide Gauge #4011 Red/Maroon Roof Caboose/5 WindowsVery GoodNone$75.00
Lot: 89Lionel #3811 Operating Dump Car, 2 #3814 Merchandise Cars, and #3859 Operating Coal Dump CarNone $160.00
Lot: 90Lionel Standard Gauge #400E/400W Gunmetal w/Nickel Trim 4-4-4 Steam Engine & 12 Wheel TenderExcellent Minus/Very Good PlusNone $800.00
Lot: 91AF Wide Gauge #4019 All American Electric Engine, #4040 RPO, #4041 Passenger Car, and #4042 Observation CarVery Good Plus None$180.00
Lot: 92Lionel 2 #2755 Gray Sunoco Tank Cars and #2955 Black Sunoco Tank CarExcellent Minus None $210.00
Lot: 936 Original American Flyer Consumer Catalogs (1931/32/37/38/40/41)ExcellentNone$80.00
Lot: 94American Flyer #1621-6R/1621-6R/1622-6R Red Streamline Passenger CarsExcellent Minus None $430.00
Lot: 95AF Wide Gauge #4677 The Chief Electric Engine, #4080 Baggage Car, #4081 Pullman, and #4082 Observation CarExcellent Minus None $780.00
Lot: 964 Lionel Standard Gauge Cranes/Searchlight CarsNone $260.00
Lot: 978 Assorted #800/2800 Series Lionel Freight Cars w/Box CouplersNone $260.00
Lot: 98AF #1684 Yellow/Brown Union Pacific Streamline Engine and #1621Y/1621Y/1632Y Streamline Passenger CarsVery Good Plus None $260.00
Lot: 99American Flyer Wide Gauge #4684 Orange Electric Engine and #4141/4141/4142 Passenger CarsExcellent Minus/VG+ None $240.00
Lot: 100AF Wide Gauge Two-Tone Blue 1928 #4689 Presidential Passenger SetExcellent Minus None $1500.00
Lot: 101AF Wide Gauge #1487 Pocahontas Passenger Set/Set/OBsVery Good PlusSet/OB$1450.00
Lot: 102Lionel Standard Gauge #1766/1767/1768 Terra-Cotta/Maroon Passenger CarsVery Good Plus None $200.00
Lot: 103Lionel #418/431/490 Mojave Passenger Cars/6 Wheel Trucks/OBsExcellent Minus OBs$320.00
Lot: 104AF Lines #1621-6C/1621-6C/1622-6C Chrome/Yellow Stripe Streamline Passenger CarsExcellent MinusNone $310.00
Lot: 105Lionel Standard Gauge #390E Two Tone Blue Comet Steam Engine & TenderExcellent Minus None $410.00
Lot: 106Lionel #813 Stock Car, #814 Box Car, #2814 Box Car, and #2815 Orange Shell Tank Car/Box CouplersExcellent None $160.00
Lot: 107Lionel Standard Gauge 3 #516 Coal Train Hoppers and #517 Red/Black Coal Train CabooseExcellent Minus None$940.00
Lot: 108Lionel Gunmetal #265-E/2225W 2-4-2 Engine and Tender and Black #265-E/265W 2-4-2 Engine and TenderExcellent Minus None $290.00
Lot: 109Lionel #636W Two Tone Green Streamline Engine and #637/637/638 Streamline Passenger Cars w/vestibules (R)Excellent None $250.00
Lot: 110Lionel Standard Gauge 1929 #390E Two Tone Green w/Orange Stripe Steam Engine & TenderExcellent Minus None $1300.00
Lot: 111Lionel Standard Gauge #390E/390T 2-4-2 Black Steam Engine and TenderExcellent Minus None $360.00
Lot: 112Lionel Standard Gauge #418/419/490 Apple Green Passenger Cars/OBsExcellent Minus OBs$760.00
Lot: 113Lionel Standard Gauge #38 New York Central Gray Electric Engine, #114 CM & STP Box Car, #117 NYC & HRRR Caboose, #112 Rock Island Gondola, and #116 NYN, H & HRR Hopper Excellent Minus /VG+None $100.00
Lot: 114Lionel Standard Gauge #214 Yellow/Brown Automobile Box Car, #216 Dk Green Hopper, #215 Silver Tank Car, and #212 Green Gondola (Nickel Trim) BAExcellent Minus None $1350.00
Lot: 115Lionel Standard Gauge 1933 #385E/384T Gunmetal w/Nickel Trim Steam Engine & TenderExcellent Minus None $300.00
Lot: 116Lionel 1929 Set Box #392E w/ #390E/390T Engine & Tender Boxes and #309/310/312 Light Green Passenger Car BoxesOriginal Boxes Boxes$75.00
Lot: 117AF Wide Gauge #4151/4152 Green/Orange Eagle Passenger CarsExcellent Minus None$720.00
Lot: 118Lionel Standard Gauge #214R Ivory/Peacock Refrigerator Car, #214 Orange/Green Automobile Box Car, #215 Pea Green Tank Car, and #213 Orange/Green Stock Car/Brass TrimExcellent Minus None $110.00
Lot: 119Lionel Standard Gauge #514 Yellow/Brown Automobile Box Car, #514R Ivory/Peacock Reefer, #515 Silver Tank Car, and #513 Light Mustard/Maroon Stock Car/Nickel TrimExcellent Minus None $130.00
Lot: 120AF #1684 Yellow/Brown Union Pacific Streamline Engine and #1621Y/1621Y/1632Y Streamline Passenger Cars/Lighter Yellow ShadeVery Good Plus None $350.00
Lot: 121AF Wide Gauge #4683 Red Electric EngineVery Good PlusNone $250.00
Lot: 122Lionel Standard Gauge #217 Red/Peacock Roof w/Brass Caboose, #217 Red/Red Roof w/Nickel Caboose, and #216 Dk Green HopperExcellent Minus None $100.00
Lot: 123AF Wide Gauge #4010 Blue Tank Car and two #4010 Yellow Tank CarsExcellent Minus None $640.00
Lot: 124AF Wide Gauge #4667 Dark Red Electric EngineExcellent Minus None $250.00
Lot: 125Lionel Standard Gauge #390E/390T 2-4-2 Black Steam Engine and TenderExcellent Minus None $280.00
Lot: 126RARE AF #102 Red 5 Window 4 Wheel Pullman Car w/ChicagoVery Good None $300.00
Lot: 127Lionel Standard Gauge #517 Red Caboose, #517 Red/Green Caboose, #516 Red Coal Hopper, and #511 Lumber Car, and #520 Searchlight Car (Mostly Nickel Trim)Very Good Plus/Excellent None $100.00
Lot: 128Lionel Standard Gauge #514 Yellow/Orange Box Car, #514R Ivory/Peacock Reefer, #513 Orange/Green Stock Car, and #515 Silver Tank Car (Brass Trim)Excellent Minus None $85.00
Lot: 129Williams/McCoy Standard Gauge #9E Two Tone Green Electric EngineExcellent OB$230.00
Lot: 130AF Wide Gauge #4680/4671 Steam Engine & Tender Very Good Plus None $270.00
Lot: 131AF Narrow Gauge #1338 The Blue Bird Passenger Set/Set/OBsVery Good Plus Set/OBs$330.00
Lot: 132Lionel Standard Gauge #212 Gondola w/#205 LCL Containers, #213 Stock Car and #211 Lumber CarsExcellent Minus None $720.00
Lot: 133AF #1680 2-6-4 Hudson Steam Engine & Tender (Tender Green Stripe)Very Good Plus None $170.00
Lot: 134Lionel #40 Standard Gauge Set Box (38 Passenger)Set Box Set Box $10.00
Lot: 135AF Wide Gauge #4008 Orange Box Car, #4020 Blue Stock Car, 2 #4022 Orange Utility Flat Cars, #4021 Red Caboose, and 3 #4017 Gondolas Very Good Plus/Excellent None $520.00
Lot: 136Ives #692 Night Hawk Passenger Set BoxSet BoxSet Box$25.00
Lot: 137Lionel #266 Passenger Set Box w/3 Inner BoxesOriginal BoxesSet/OBs$50.00
Lot: 138AF Wide Gauge #4007 Maroon Gondola, #4017 Green Gondola, and #4011 Yellow/Brown CabooseExcellent Minus None $250.00
Lot: 139AF #3185 Electric Golden State Passenger SetVery Good Plus None $210.00
Lot: 140Lionel Standard Guage #400E/400T Blue Steam Engine & Tender/Nickel Trim Very Good Plus None $620.00
Lot: 1412 Great AF #417 Gray Streamline Steam Engines & TendersExcellent None $150.00
Lot: 142AF #435 Black Pacific Steam Engine & Diecast TenderVery Good None $220.00
Lot: 143AF Wide Gauge #4644 Green Electric EngineExcellent Minus None $230.00
Lot: 144Lionel #386E Steam Passenger Set BoxSet BoxSet Box $25.00
Lot: 145AF/JC Penney Co Inc #176/4 Nation-Wide Lines Set Box (box glued) plus 3 Random Nation Wide Cars and Track PiecesSet OB$240.00
Lot: 1464 AF Blue Enameled Passenger CarsExcellent Plus None $120.00
Lot: 147Scarce Lionel #1701 Yellow/Brown/Yellow Streamline Passenger CarVery Good Minus None$15.00
Lot: 148Lionel Standard Gauge #318 Light Gray Electric Engine Very Good Plus None $85.00
Lot: 149Nice AF #1686 Streamline Engine & Tender and #643 Hiawatha Steam Engine & TenderExcellent None $190.00

Note: Private Internet-only Auctions are conducted by Drew J. Bauer, Esquire. Drew is a member of the Bars of the Courts of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania and the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.


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