AmbroseBauer Trains
The Nation's Foremost Marketplace of Toy Trains & Toy Train Auctions
  Legal   Office:   Post   Office   Box   14537,   Pittsburgh    Pennsylvania    15234  
  Telephone: 412 - 833-1700 Fax: 412 - 833-1170 E-mail:  

Lot #: Title: Condition: Box:
Lot: 1AF Wide Gauge 1927 President's Special: #4687 Blue Electric Engine and RPO Baggage Car, West Point Pullman and Annapolis Observation CarExcellent/E-None
Lot: 2McCoy Standard Gauge #1 Wapid Wabbit Motorized Railbus OBExcellent Plus OB
Lot: 3AF Hiawatha #970-T Streamline #119 Engine & Tender and 3 Streamline Passenger CarsVery GioidNone
Lot: 4American Flyer #1621G/1621G/1621G/1622G Streamline Two Tone Green Streamlined Passenger CarsExcellent Minus None
Lot: 5AF Hiawatha #1741-RW Deluxe 4 Car Passenger SetVery GoodNone
Lot: 6Scarce Lionel #814R White/Tuscan Roof Lionel Lines ReeferExcellent None
Lot: 7Bing 1 Gauge N.Y.C. & H.R. 4-4-0 Steam Engine & Tender and #1207/1250 Passenger CarsExcellent Minus/VG+None
Lot: 8Lionel #263E/2263W Gun Metal 2-4-2 Steam Engine & Whistle Tender/OBsExcellent OBs
Lot: 9McCoy Standard Gauge #17761 1954 TCA Electric EngineExcellent None
Lot: 10Scarce Lionel #203 Armor Tank Engine and #900 Ammunition CarVery GoodNone
Lot: 11Lionel #250E/250W Orange Hiawatha Streamline Engine & Tender and #782/283/784 Streamline Passenger CarsVery Good Plus None
Lot: 12Scarce Lionel #2814 Orange/Brown Roof Rubber-Stamped Lionel Lines Box CarExcellentNone
Lot: 13Lionel #265E/265WX 2-4-2 Blue Streak NYC Commodore Vanderbilt Engine & Tender and #617/618/619 Streamline Passenger CarsVery Good Plus/E-None
Lot: 14Great AF #435/433A 4-6-2 Steam Engine & Diecast TenderExcellentNone
Lot: 15Lionel #291E (264E/265T Red Comet Commodore Vanderbilt Engine & Tender and #603/603/604 Red Passenger Cars)Very Good PlusNone
Lot: 16AF Tan/Green Potomac Passenger Set/Set OB/OBsExcellent Set /OBs
Lot: 17Lionel #1107 Donald Duck Hand Car w/White HouseExcellent Minus None
Lot: 18Lionel #2814R Ivory/Tuscan Roof Lionel Lines ReeferExcellent None
Lot: 19Lionel #1536 Mickey Mouse Circus Train SetVery Good Plus None
Lot: 20Rare Lionel #225E/2235W Gunmetal Steam Engine & Diecast Tender ExcellentNone
Lot: 21Very Scarce AF Wide Gauge #1468 Legionnaire Set (#4637 Green/Yellow Electric Engine and #4380/4381/4382 Yellow/Green Passenger Cars)/Set/OBsExcellent MinusSet/OBs
Lot: 22Lionel 1935-37 #1103 Peter Rabbit Chick Mobile Hand Car w/Flanged WheelsExcellent Minus None
Lot: 23Lionel #156 NYC Brown Electric Engine and #610/612 Brown Passenger CarsVery Good None
Lot: 24AF #3020 4-4-4 Electric Twenty Century Limited Green Passenger SetVery Good Plus None
Lot: 25Nice Lionel #700E (5344) Scale J-1E Hudson Steam Engine and Diecast NYC TenderExcellent MinusNone
Lot: 26Nice Lionel #792 Rail Chief Streamliner Front Coach, 2 #793 Streamliner Coach, #794 Streamliner Observation Car, and #752T Vestibule/OBsExcellent OBs
Lot: 27Lionel #1105 Santa Claus/Mickey Mouse Hand Car w/Red Base Excellent Minus~None
Lot: 28AF #1217 Broadway Limited Set (#3011 Pennsylvania Electric Engine and 3 PA #1206-Series Passenger Cars)Excellent Minus None
Lot: 29Lionel #2640/2640/2641 Late Two Tone Green Passenger Cars/OBsExcellent PlusOBs
Lot: 30Lionel #424 Liberty Bell Coach, #425 Stephen Girard Coach, and #426 Coral Isle Observation CarExcellent None
Lot: 31RARE Lionel Standard Gauge #515 Orange Shell Tank CarExcellent Minus None
Lot: 32Lionel #1100 Mickey & Minnie Hand Car w/Orange BaseExcellent Minus None
Lot: 33Lionel #254 Pea Green Electric Engine (Scarce Orange Hatches) - Es on DoorExcellent None
Lot: 34Lionel #225E/2225W 2-6-2 Black Steam Engine & Whistle Diecast TenderExcellent None
Lot: 35Lionel Standard Gauge #385E/385W 2-4-2 Gunmetal Steam Engine & Diecast Whistle Tender/OBsExcellent OBs
Lot: 36Lionel Standard Gauge #1766/1767/1768 Red/Maroon Passenger Cars/OBsExcellent/E-OBs
Lot: 37Lionel/Winner Toy Co #1015/1016 Steam Engine & Tender and 1011/1011/1020 Passenger CarsVery Good Plus None
Lot: 38Rare Lionel #2817 Caboose/RS Colors and Nickel Plates/OBExcellent OB
Lot: 39Lionel #710/710/712 Red Passenger CarsExcellent/E-None
Lot: 40Lionel Standard Gauge #392E/392W Gunmetal Steam Engine & TenderExcellentNone
Lot: 41Lionel Scale #714 Die-Cast Pennsylvania Box Car, #715 Die-Cast Sunoco Tank Car, #716 Die-Cast B&O Hopper, and #717 Die-Cast NYC CabooseExcellent Plus None
Lot: 42Nice AF #447 2-6-4 Black Diecast Steam Engine & #448A Diecast TenderExcellent None
Lot: 43AF #1322-RT Illinois Central Light Green/Yellow Streamline Engine & Tender and 3 Streamline Passenger CarsVery Good Plus None
Lot: 44Lionel #226E/2226W 2-6-4 Black Steam Engine & Diecast Whistle TenderExcellent MinusNone
Lot: 45Lionel #763E/2263W Gunmetal Hudson Steam Engine & Whistle TenderExcellentNone
Lot: 46Williams Standard Gauge #8 Pay As You Enter TrolleyExcellentNone
Lot: 47Lionel #636W Union Pacific City of Denver Streamline Engine and #637/637/638 Streamline Passenger Cars w/3 VestibulesVery Good/ExcellentNone
Lot: 48Lionel #203/2203B Semi-Scale Pennsylvania 0-6-0 Steam Switcher Engine & TenderExcellentNone
Lot: 49Ives Standard Gauge #1770E/1760T Steam Engine & TenderExcellent Minus None
Lot: 50Lionel Standard Gauge #411E Green 4 Car State Set (381E Green Electric & #412/3/4/6 Passenger Cars)Excellent Minus None
Lot: 51AF #1621-6B/1621-6B/1622-6B Two-Tone Blue American Flyer Lines Streamline Passenger CarsExcellent None
Lot: 52AF #43226 4-6-2 Pacific Engine and 12 Wheel TenderExcellent Minus None
Lot: 53Lionel #2816 Black Hopper and #2817 Red/Tuscan CabooseExcellentNone
Lot: 54Scarce Lionel #616/617/618 Red Top/Smooth Sides Flying Yankee SetVery Good Plus None
Lot: 55Lionel #701E/T (8976) Scale Pennsylvania B6 Switcher (RS) and Slopeback Tender w/Back-Up LightExcellent None
Lot: 56Lionel #2613/2613/2614/2615 Two Tone Green Late Passenger CarsVery Good/Excellent MinusNone
Lot: 57Lionel #1685/1685/1687 Two Tone Red Passenger CarsExcellentNone
Lot: 58Lionel #260E Steam Engine & Tender/Cream StripesVery Good Plus None
Lot: 59Late Lionel Standard Gauge #213 Stock Car, #214 Automobile Furniture Car, and #217 CabooseExcellent None
Lot: 60Lionel Standard Gauge #396E (400E) Blue Comet Passenger Set/Brass TrimVery Good Plus/Excellent MinusNone
Lot: 61AF Wide Gauge #4678 Hamiltonian Train Set (Includes #4678 Electric Engine and #4340/4341/4342 Passenger Cars)Excellent MinusNone
Lot: 6211 Assorted #2600 Series Late Lionel Freight CarsExcellentMinus/Excellent None
Lot: 63Lionel #613/614/615 Burnt Orange/Maroon Passenger CarsExcellent Minus None
Lot: 64Lionel #238E/265W 4-4-2 Gray Torpedo Engine and Whistle TenderExcellent Minus None
Lot: 65Lionel #256 Orange Electric Engine and #710/710/712 Passenger CarsExcellent MinusNone
Lot: 66Nice American Flyer #3380/3381/3382 Red Deluxe AFL Passenger CarsExcellent None
Lot: 67Lionel Semi-Scale #2954 PRR Box Car, #2955 Shell Tank Car, #2956 B&O Hopper, and #2957 NYC Caboose Excellent None
Lot: 68Lionel #600/601/602 Blue/Silver Passenger CarsExcellent Minus None
Lot: 69Lionel #227 (8976)/2227B PRR 0-6-0 B6 Steam Engine & Tender/OBsExcellent OBs
Lot: 70Lionel Standard Gauge #392E/392W 4-4-2 Black w/Brass & Copper Trim Steam Engine & 12 Wheel Whistle TenderExcellent None
Lot: 71Lionel Standard Gauge #342E Baby State Passenger Set (#318E Light Brown Electric Engine and #309/310/312 Passenger Cars)/OBsExcellent Minus 3 OBs
Lot: 72Lionel #257/258 Steam Engines and 257T/258T TendersExcellent Minus None
Lot: 73Lionel #261 2-4-2 Steam Engine & Tender and #262E/262T 2-4-2 Steam Engine & TenderExcellent Minus/VG+None
Lot: 74Very Scarce Red/Maroon Lionel #1701 Coach, #1702 Observation, and #1703 Front End Car /Rail Chief Jr.Excellent None
Lot: 75Lionel Standard Gauge #366W 1835E Black Steam/310 Series Two-Tone Blue Passenger Set/Set OB/OBsExcellent Set/OBs
Lot: 76Lionel #4 Gray Bild-A-Loco Electric Engine and #605/605/606 Gray Passenger Cars w/Apple Green Roof StripesExcellent None
Lot: 77Nice American Flyer #429 0-6-0 Diecast Steam Engine & TenderExcellentNone
Lot: 78Lionel #600/601/602 Red/Ivory Passenger Cars/OBsExcellent OBs
Lot: 79Lionel Blue Comet #263E/2263W 2-4-2 Steam Engine & Tender and #613/614/615 Passenger CarsExcellent Minus/VG+None
Lot: 80Lionel Standard Gauge Black #400E/400T 4-4-4 Steam Engine & 12 Wheel Oil TenderExcellent None
Lot: 81Lionel #251E Electric Engine and #605/605/606 Passenger Cars (red) Very Good Plus None
Lot: 82Nice Lionel #86 Telegraph Post Set/OBExcellent Plus OB
Lot: 838 Assorted #800 Series Small 4 Wheel Lionel Freight CarsNone
Lot: 84Lionel #225E/2235W 2-6-2 Black Steam Engine & Diecast Whistle TenderExcellent None
Lot: 85Lionel Standard Gauge #9 Bild-A-Loco Green Engine/OBExcellent OB
Lot: 86Lionel Standard Gauge 1925 Red/Cream Passenger Set, Includes #8 Electric Engine and #337 Coach and #338 Observation Car/OBsExcellent Minus OB
Lot: 87Lionel 2 #814R Refrigerator Cars and #2814R Refrigerator CarNone
Lot: 88AF Wide Gauge #4011 Red/Maroon Roof Caboose/5 WindowsVery GoodNone
Lot: 89Lionel #3811 Operating Dump Car, 2 #3814 Merchandise Cars, and #3859 Operating Coal Dump CarNone
Lot: 90Lionel Standard Gauge #400E/400W Gunmetal w/Nickel Trim 4-4-4 Steam Engine & 12 Wheel TenderExcellent Minus/Very Good PlusNone
Lot: 91AF Wide Gauge #4019 All American Electric Engine, #4040 RPO, #4041 Passenger Car, and #4042 Observation CarVery Good Plus None
Lot: 92Lionel 2 #2755 Gray Sunoco Tank Cars and #2955 Black Sunoco Tank CarExcellent Minus None
Lot: 936 Original American Flyer Consumer Catalogs (1931/32/37/38/40/41)ExcellentNone
Lot: 94American Flyer #1621-6R/1621-6R/1622-6R Red Streamline Passenger CarsExcellent Minus None
Lot: 95AF Wide Gauge #4677 The Chief Electric Engine, #4080 Baggage Car, #4081 Pullman, and #4082 Observation CarExcellent Minus None
Lot: 964 Lionel Standard Gauge Cranes/Searchlight CarsNone
Lot: 978 Assorted #800/2800 Series Lionel Freight Cars w/Box CouplersNone
Lot: 98AF #1684 Yellow/Brown Union Pacific Streamline Engine and #1621Y/1621Y/1632Y Streamline Passenger CarsVery Good Plus None
Lot: 99American Flyer Wide Gauge #4684 Orange Electric Engine and #4141/4141/4142 Passenger CarsExcellent Minus/VG+ None
Lot: 100AF Wide Gauge Two-Tone Blue 1928 #4689 Presidential Passenger SetExcellent Minus None
Lot: 101AF Wide Gauge #1487 Pocahontas Passenger Set/Set/OBsVery Good PlusSet/OB
Lot: 102Lionel Standard Gauge #1766/1767/1768 Terra-Cotta/Maroon Passenger CarsVery Good Plus None
Lot: 103Lionel #418/431/490 Mojave Passenger Cars/6 Wheel Trucks/OBsExcellent Minus OBs
Lot: 104AF Lines #1621-6C/1621-6C/1622-6C Chrome/Yellow Stripe Streamline Passenger CarsExcellent MinusNone
Lot: 105Lionel Standard Gauge #390E Two Tone Blue Comet Steam Engine & TenderExcellent Minus None
Lot: 106Lionel #813 Stock Car, #814 Box Car, #2814 Box Car, and #2815 Orange Shell Tank Car/Box CouplersExcellent None
Lot: 107Lionel Standard Gauge 3 #516 Coal Train Hoppers and #517 Red/Black Coal Train CabooseExcellent Minus None
Lot: 108Lionel Gunmetal #265-E/2225W 2-4-2 Engine and Tender and Black #265-E/265W 2-4-2 Engine and TenderExcellent Minus None
Lot: 109Lionel #636W Two Tone Green Streamline Engine and #637/637/638 Streamline Passenger Cars w/vestibules (R)Excellent None
Lot: 110Lionel Standard Gauge 1929 #390E Two Tone Green w/Orange Stripe Steam Engine & TenderExcellent Minus None
Lot: 111Lionel Standard Gauge #390E/390T 2-4-2 Black Steam Engine and TenderExcellent Minus None
Lot: 112Lionel Standard Gauge #418/419/490 Apple Green Passenger Cars/OBsExcellent Minus OBs
Lot: 113Lionel Standard Gauge #38 New York Central Gray Electric Engine, #114 CM & STP Box Car, #117 NYC & HRRR Caboose, #112 Rock Island Gondola, and #116 NYN, H & HRR Hopper Excellent Minus /VG+None
Lot: 114Lionel Standard Gauge #214 Yellow/Brown Automobile Box Car, #216 Dk Green Hopper, #215 Silver Tank Car, and #212 Green Gondola (Nickel Trim) BAExcellent Minus None
Lot: 115Lionel Standard Gauge 1933 #385E/384T Gunmetal w/Nickel Trim Steam Engine & TenderExcellent Minus None
Lot: 116Lionel 1929 Set Box #392E w/ #390E/390T Engine & Tender Boxes and #309/310/312 Light Green Passenger Car BoxesOriginal Boxes Boxes
Lot: 117AF Wide Gauge #4151/4152 Green/Orange Eagle Passenger CarsExcellent Minus None
Lot: 118Lionel Standard Gauge #214R Ivory/Peacock Refrigerator Car, #214 Orange/Green Automobile Box Car, #215 Pea Green Tank Car, and #213 Orange/Green Stock Car/Brass TrimExcellent Minus None
Lot: 119Lionel Standard Gauge #514 Yellow/Brown Automobile Box Car, #514R Ivory/Peacock Reefer, #515 Silver Tank Car, and #513 Light Mustard/Maroon Stock Car/Nickel TrimExcellent Minus None
Lot: 120AF #1684 Yellow/Brown Union Pacific Streamline Engine and #1621Y/1621Y/1632Y Streamline Passenger Cars/Lighter Yellow ShadeVery Good Plus None
Lot: 121AF Wide Gauge #4683 Red Electric EngineVery Good PlusNone
Lot: 122Lionel Standard Gauge #217 Red/Peacock Roof w/Brass Caboose, #217 Red/Red Roof w/Nickel Caboose, and #216 Dk Green HopperExcellent Minus None
Lot: 123AF Wide Gauge #4010 Blue Tank Car and two #4010 Yellow Tank CarsExcellent Minus None
Lot: 124AF Wide Gauge #4667 Dark Red Electric EngineExcellent Minus None
Lot: 125Lionel Standard Gauge #390E/390T 2-4-2 Black Steam Engine and TenderExcellent Minus None
Lot: 126RARE AF #102 Red 5 Window 4 Wheel Pullman Car w/ChicagoVery Good None
Lot: 127Lionel Standard Gauge #517 Red Caboose, #517 Red/Green Caboose, #516 Red Coal Hopper, and #511 Lumber Car, and #520 Searchlight Car (Mostly Nickel Trim)Very Good Plus/Excellent None
Lot: 128Lionel Standard Gauge #514 Yellow/Orange Box Car, #514R Ivory/Peacock Reefer, #513 Orange/Green Stock Car, and #515 Silver Tank Car (Brass Trim)Excellent Minus None
Lot: 129Williams/McCoy Standard Gauge #9E Two Tone Green Electric EngineExcellent OB
Lot: 130AF Wide Gauge #4680/4671 Steam Engine & Tender Very Good Plus None
Lot: 131AF Narrow Gauge #1338 The Blue Bird Passenger Set/Set/OBsVery Good Plus Set/OBs
Lot: 132Lionel Standard Gauge #212 Gondola w/#205 LCL Containers, #213 Stock Car and #211 Lumber CarsExcellent Minus None
Lot: 133AF #1680 2-6-4 Hudson Steam Engine & Tender (Tender Green Stripe)Very Good Plus None
Lot: 134Lionel #40 Standard Gauge Set Box (38 Passenger)Set Box Set Box
Lot: 135AF Wide Gauge #4008 Orange Box Car, #4020 Blue Stock Car, 2 #4022 Orange Utility Flat Cars, #4021 Red Caboose, and 3 #4017 Gondolas Very Good Plus/Excellent None
Lot: 136Ives #692 Night Hawk Passenger Set BoxSet BoxSet Box
Lot: 137Lionel #266 Passenger Set Box w/3 Inner BoxesOriginal BoxesSet/OBs
Lot: 138AF Wide Gauge #4007 Maroon Gondola, #4017 Green Gondola, and #4011 Yellow/Brown CabooseExcellent Minus None
Lot: 139AF #3185 Electric Golden State Passenger SetVery Good Plus None
Lot: 140Lionel Standard Guage #400E/400T Blue Steam Engine & Tender/Nickel Trim Very Good Plus None
Lot: 1412 Great AF #417 Gray Streamline Steam Engines & TendersExcellent None
Lot: 142AF #435 Black Pacific Steam Engine & Diecast TenderVery Good None
Lot: 143AF Wide Gauge #4644 Green Electric EngineExcellent Minus None
Lot: 144Lionel #386E Steam Passenger Set BoxSet BoxSet Box
Lot: 145AF/JC Penney Co Inc #176/4 Nation-Wide Lines Set Box (box glued) plus 3 Random Nation Wide Cars and Track PiecesSet OB
Lot: 1464 AF Blue Enameled Passenger CarsExcellent Plus None
Lot: 147Scarce Lionel #1701 Yellow/Brown/Yellow Streamline Passenger CarVery Good Minus None
Lot: 148Lionel Standard Gauge #318 Light Gray Electric Engine Very Good Plus None
Lot: 149Nice AF #1686 Streamline Engine & Tender and #643 Hiawatha Steam Engine & TenderExcellent None