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Sunday, April 7, 2013 American Flyer S Gauge Toy Trains Auction:

Our American Flyer S Gauge Toy Trains Auction starts at 7:00 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time) on Sunday, April 7, 2013. Bids may be placed on each lot by using AuctionsBy™, the exclusive Live On-Line Bidding System on the AmbroseBauer Trains' WebSite.

A Ten Percent Buyer's Premium will apply for those entering winning bids on AuctionsBy™. Absentee Bidders must pay by check or money order within ten days of the date of the Auction. A $50.00 administrative fee will be added to each lot that is not paid in full within twenty days of the date of the Auction. AuctionsBy™ does accept bids on each lot until that Lot is sold, but we encourage bids to be left before the Auction is actually conducted in order to eliminate some of the traffic on our Server and to ensure that your bids are actually received and entered into our System. We do not accept credit card payments.

Only lots that contain the language 'All Original in our Opinion' are guaranteed to be original per the Limited Warranty as stated in the Terms and Conditions. We neither test nor warrant the mechanical operation of any item. As per the Terms and Conditions, we do not warrant our Opinions as to the Condition and expect each Bidder to review all of the photos to determine their own opinion as to the condition of an item.

Pennsylvania Sales Tax will be collected on items sold to individuals who reside in Pennsylvania who not have a current Resale Tax Exemption Certificate on file at the time of Registration. Pennsylvania Sales Tax is Seven Percent.

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Please Double-Click on the Lot Numbers in the List Below to see in Detail that Particular Lot with all Pictures of that Lot as well as a Bidding Box to place your Absentee Bids. The Bidding Box to place your Snipe Bids is at the bottom of the Lot Detailed Page. You may also bid live during the auction by clicking the TAKE ME LIVE menu item to your left.

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Lot #: Title: Condition: Box: Sold Price:
Lot: 1AF S Gauge: #K335 UP 4-8-4 Steam Challenger E&TNone$220.00
Lot: 2AF S Gauge: #342 AC NPR 0-8-0 Steam Switcher E&TNone$210.00
Lot: 3AF S Gauge: #653/653/654 Red 'Pullman' Heavyweight Passenger CarsNone$70.00
Lot: 4AF S Gauge: #370 GM GP7 DieselNone$50.00
Lot: 5AF S Gauge: #337/338 Texas & Pacific GP7 DieselsNone$200.00
Lot: 6AF S Gauge: #960/961/963/963 Orange Stripe Streamlined Passenger CarsNone$110.00
Lot: 7AF S Gauge: #989 Northwestern (C&NW) ReeferNone$70.00
Lot: 8AF S Gauge: #21801/21801-1 Northwestern (C&NW) Diesel SwitchersNone$230.00
Lot: 9AF S Gauge: #250 'The Royal Blue' B&O Streamline Steam E&TNone$100.00
Lot: 10AF/Lionel S Gauge: Mint Erie #8251/8252 ABA Units & #9504/9505/9506/0507 Passenger Cars/OBsOBs$240.00
Lot: 11AF S Gauge #24066 L&N Box CarNone$120.00
Lot: 12AF S Gauge: #360/364 Santa Fe AB DieselsNone$95.00
Lot: 13Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48004/8459 Chessie GP-20/OBSOBs$110.00
Lot: 14AF S Gauge: #24048 MStL Box CarNone$65.00
Lot: 15AF S Gauge: #499 New Haven ElectricNone$110.00
Lot: 16AF S Gauge: #21158 Blue Steam SwitcherNone$55.00
Lot: 17AF S Gauge: #372 UP GP7 DieselNone$90.00
Lot: 18AF S Gauge: #660/661/662/663 Aluminum Passenger CarsNone$140.00
Lot: 19Amer. Models S Gauge: #TM04 Reading FM Trainmaster/OBOB$100.00
Lot: 20AF S Gauge: #21004 PRR 0-6-0 Steam Switcher & TenderNone$110.00
Lot: 21AF S Gauge: Scarce #(25056) Rocket Launcher Car & USM Box CarNone$220.00
Lot: 22AF S Gauge: #25515 Rocket Transport Flat CarNone$90.00
Lot: 23AF S Gauge: #342 Nickle Plate 0-8-0 Steam E&TNone$120.00
Lot: 24AF S Gauge: 5-item Overland Express Steam Passenger SetNone$65.00
Lot: 25AF S Gauge: #21573 New Haven ElectricNone$130.00
Lot: 26AF S Gauge: #342 AC NPR 0-8-0 Steam Switcher E&TNone$160.00
Lot: 27AF S Gauge: 2 Reading #307 4-4-2 Atlantic Steam E&TNone$45.00
Lot: 28AF S Gauge: 5 Colorful Box CarsNone$150.00
Lot: 29AF S Gauge: Scarce #25058 Lumber Unloading Car/OBOB$80.00
Lot: 30Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48109/48900/48901/48902/48903 Cheseapeake & Ohio Cars/OBsOBs$240.00
Lot: 31AF S Gauge: #979 & #25052 Operating CaboosesNone$75.00
Lot: 32AF S Gauge: 5 Colorful 900-series Box CarsNone$50.00
Lot: 33AF S Gauge: 16 Assorted GondolasNone$85.00
Lot: 34AF S Gauge: 12 Assorted Rolling Stock & CaboosesNone$65.00
Lot: 35AF S Gauge: #21206/21206-1 Santa Fe AA DieselsNone$150.00
Lot: 36AF S Gauge: 9 Assorted Tank Cars/OBOB$130.00
Lot: 37AF S Gauge: 5 Assorted Crane CarsNone$65.00
Lot: 386 Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #49001/9706/9206/9205/48802/9708 Cars/OBsOBs$80.00
Lot: 397 Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #9707/9701/9100/9300/9700/48805/48505 Cars/OBsOBs$85.00
Lot: 40AF S Gauge: #(21)234 C&O GP7 Diesel w/BellNone$210.00
Lot: 416 Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48307/48306/48605/48604/48801/48703 Cars/OBsOBs$75.00
Lot: 424 Lionel/AF S Gauge: #7783/7782/7781/0700 Box Cars/OBsOBs$65.00
Lot: 43AF S Gauge: #166 ChurchNone$70.00
Lot: 44AF S Gauge: #273 Suburban RR Station/OBOB$160.00
Lot: 45AF S Gauge: #474/475 Rocket AA DieselsNone$140.00
Lot: 46AF S Gauge: #272 Station & News Stand/OBOB$110.00
Lot: 47AF S Gauge: Nice #24566 Auto Loader/OBOB$180.00
Lot: 48AF S Gauge: #24419 CN Box CarNone$75.00
Lot: 49Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48270 NASG 2008 Baldwin GE Switcher/OBOBs$130.00
Lot: 50AF S Gauge: Interesting #20655 'Washington' SetNone$310.00
Lot: 51Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48250/48254 Cranes/OBsOBs$55.00
Lot: 52Lionel/AF S Gauge: 9 Assorted Christmas Cars/OBsOBs$110.00
Lot: 53Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint TCA 2007 Denver Colorado Yule Marble Co. Flat Car w/ Yule Marble Load/OBOB$55.00
Lot: 54Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48243/48240 Cars/OBsOBs$55.00
Lot: 55AF S Gauge: #322 AC NYC 4-6-4 Hudson Steam E&TNone$85.00
Lot: 56Lionel/AF S Gauge: #48493 NASG Southern Pacific TTUX Unit/OBOB$35.00
Lot: 57Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48514/48511 TTUX Sets/OBsOBs$65.00
Lot: 58Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48234/48230/48247/48226 NTTM Cars/OBsOBs$65.00
Lot: 59Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48224/48228/48264 NASG Cars/OBsOBs$100.00
Lot: 60AF S Gauge: #165 Golden Grain ElevatorNone$85.00
Lot: 61AF S Gauge: #272 Station & News Stand/OBOB$110.00
Lot: 62AF S Gauge: # 161 BungalowNone$80.00
Lot: 63AF S Gauge: #322 NYC 4-6-4 Hudson Steam E&TNone$90.00
Lot: 64AF S Gauge: 7 #716 Red HoppersNone$55.00
Lot: 65AF S Gauge: #21156 0-6-0 Steam SwitcherNone$85.00
Lot: 66AF S Gauge: #322 NYC 4-6-4 Hudson Steam E&TNone$90.00
Lot: 67AF S Gauge: #466 Comet Alco A-unit DieselNone$55.00
Lot: 68AF S Gauge: #350 'The Royal Blue' B&O Streamline Steam E&TNone$70.00
Lot: 69AF S Gauge: #322 NYC 4-6-4 Hudson Steam E&TNone$40.00
Lot: 70AF S Gauge: #162 Mysto-Magic Factory BuildingNone$75.00
Lot: 71AF S Gauge: 2 #283 & #282 CNW Steam Engines & TendersNone$120.00
Lot: 72AF S Gauge: #322 NYC 4-6-4 Hudson 1946 SIT Steam E&TNone$90.00
Lot: 73AF S Gauge: #23791 Cow On Track/OBOB$60.00
Lot: 74AF S Gauge: #25405 Rocket Launcher Car/OBOB$85.00
Lot: 75Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint Wabash PA AA Freight Set/OBsOBs$230.00
Lot: 76AF S Gauge: #343 NPR 0-8-0 Steam E&TNone$120.00
Lot: 77AF S Gauge: #25059 Rocket Launcher Car /OBOB$90.00
Lot: 78AF S Gauge: 3 #912 Koppers & #910 Gilbert Tank CarsNone$80.00
Lot: 79AF S Gauge: #764 Express Office/OBNone$140.00
Lot: 80Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint Southern GP-9 Freight Set/OBsOBs$160.00
Lot: 81AF S Gauge: #50 District SchoolNone$80.00
Lot: 82AF S Gauge: #21085 CNW 4-6-2 Steam E&T None$30.00
Lot: 83AF S Gauge: #585 Tool ShedNone$20.00
Lot: 84AF S Gauge: #326 NYC 4-6-4 Hudson Steam E&TNone$120.00
Lot: 85AF S Gauge: Scarce #24579 Multi-Purpose Flat Car/Plastic OBOB$110.00
Lot: 86AF S Gauge: #787 Log Loader/OBOB$95.00
Lot: 87AF S Gauge: #290 & #295 4-6-2 Steam E&TNone$75.00
Lot: 88Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48497/48223 TCA Tank Cars/OBsOBs$40.00
Lot: 89Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint 48482/48491 TCA Cars/OBsOBs$40.00
Lot: 90AF S Gauge: #336 UP 4-8-4 Challenger Steam E&TNone$200.00
Lot: 91LionelAF S Gauge: Mint #48002 SP Non Powered GP-9/OB OB$50.00
Lot: 92AF S Gauge: #161 BungalowNone$65.00
Lot: 93AF S Gauge: Mint #48003 SF Non Powered GP-9/OBOB$50.00
Lot: 94AF S Gauge: #23788 Suburban Station/OBOB$35.00
Lot: 95AF S Gauge: #165 Golden Grain ElevatorNone$80.00
Lot: 96AF S Gauge: 3 Green #650 & #651 New Haven Passenger CarsNone$70.00
Lot: 97AF S Gauge: #954 Green Grand Canyon Heavyweight Observation CarNone$90.00
Lot: 98AF S Gauge: #650/650/651 Red New Haven Passenger carsNone$50.00
Lot: 99AF S Gauge: Scarce #24323/24330 Baker's Chocolate Tank CarsNone$160.00
Lot: 100AF S Gauge: Great Circus SetNone$420.00
Lot: 101AF S Gauge: #770 Baggage Loading Platform/OBOB$65.00
Lot: 102AF S Gauge: #354 Silver Bullet Steam E&T and 2 #955 Passenger CarsNone$85.00
Lot: 103AF S Gauge: 2 #913 GN & 2 #937 MKT Box CarsNone$45.00
Lot: 104AF S Gauge: #715 & 915 Auto Loader Flat Cars w/AutosNone$75.00
Lot: 105AF S Gauge: #162 Mysto-Magic Factory BuildingNone$95.00
Lot: 106AF S Gauge: #714 Log Car & 2 #715 Auto Flat Cars w/LoadsNone$85.00
Lot: 107AF S Gauge #971 Operating SP Log CarNone$60.00
Lot: 108AF S Gauge: #957/970/25060 Operating CarsNone$110.00
Lot: 109AF S Gauge: #973 & 2 #734 Operating Box CarsNone$85.00
Lot: 110AF S Gauge: #474/475 Rocket AA DieselsNone$150.00
Lot: 111Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48404/48509/49009/48507 Cars/OBsOBs$70.00
Lot: 112AF S Gauge: 5 Colorful Box Cars/ReefersNone$100.00
Lot: 113AF S Gauge: 2 #312 PRR K-4 4-6-2 Steam E&TNone$140.00
Lot: 114AF S Gauge: 2 #655 Silver Bullet Passenger CarsNone$40.00
Lot: 115AF S Gauge: #495 New Haven Alco A-unit DieselNone$75.00
Lot: 116AF S Gauge: 3 #962 & #963 Green Striped Streamlined Passenger CarsNone$110.00
Lot: 1174 AF/Lionel S Gauge: Mint #48513/49101/48515 Cars/OBsOBs$35.00
Lot: 118AF/Lionel S Gauge: Mint #48510/48610/48320/48807 Cars/OBsOBs$55.00
Lot: 1195 AF/Lionel S Gauge: Mint 48806/48317/48324/48318 Cars/OBsOBs$65.00
Lot: 120AF S Gauge: #952/953/954 Red AFL Heavyweight Passenger CarsNone$170.00
Lot: 1216 Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48316/48322/48313/48310/48312 Freight Cars/OBsOBs$80.00
Lot: 1225 Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48405/48406/48402/48407/48403 Tank Cars/OBsOBs$95.00
Lot: 1235 Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #49608/48609/48611/48612 Covered Hoppers/OBsOBs$75.00
Lot: 124AF S Gauge: #953 & #954 Red AFL Heavyweight Passenger CarsNone$110.00
Lot: 125AF S Gauge: #326 NYC 4-6-4 Hudson Steam E&T None$140.00
Lot: 1267 Lionel/AF S Gauge: 7 Mint Assorted Freight Cars/OBsOBs$100.00
Lot: 127Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48349/48356/48351/48357 Disney Box Cars/OBsOBs$50.00
Lot: 128Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48335/48355/48353 Christmas Cars/OBsOBs$45.00
Lot: 129Lionel/AF S Gauge: 7 Mint Assorted Box Cars/OBsOBs$90.00
Lot: 130AF S Gauge: #K 325 NYC 4-6-4 Hudson Steam E&TNone$130.00
Lot: 131Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48478/48494 NASG Cars/OBsOBs$35.00
Lot: 132Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #484881/48480 Commemorative Cars/OBsOBs$30.00
Lot: 133Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48486/48485 NASG Commemorative Cars/OBsOBs$40.00
Lot: 134Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #52095/52094 NASG Cars/OBsOBs$50.00
Lot: 135Lionel/AF S Gauge: 7 Mint Assorted Holiday GP-20 and Cars/OBsOBs$140.00
Lot: 136AF S Gauge: Mint #48204/48487/48492 TCA Box Cars/OBsOBs$55.00
Lot: 137AF S Gauge: Mint #482000/48231/48213 TCA/TTOS Cars/OBsOBs$60.00
Lot: 138AF S Gauge: Mint #48208/48210/48221 TCA Hoppers/OBsOBs$75.00
Lot: 1395 Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #49205/48220/48211/48214/48233 NASG Freight Cars/OBsOBs$80.00
Lot: 140AF S Gauge: #21920-1 MP Alco A-unit Diesel/OBOB$140.00
Lot: 141Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48005/48705 Pennsylvania GP-20 Diesel & Caboose/OBsOBs$120.00
Lot: 142AF S Gauge: #273 Suburban StationNone$55.00
Lot: 143AF S Gauge: #275 Eureka DinerNone$65.00
Lot: 144AF S Gauge: #274 Harbor Junction Freight StationNone$400.00
Lot: 145Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48001/9712/48701 Illinois Central GP-20 and Cars/OBsOBs$100.00
Lot: 146AF S Gauge: #161 BungalowNone$45.00
Lot: 147AF S Gauge: #785 Coal LoaderNone$100.00
Lot: 148AF S Gauge: #740 & #742 Hand CarsNone$60.00
Lot: 149AF S Gauge: #583 Magnetic CraneNone$79.00
Lot: 150Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #49600 UP Passenger Set/OBOB$330.00
Lot: 151AF S Gauge: #271 3-piece Whistle Stop SetNone$85.00
Lot: 152AF S Gauge: 2 #24624, #24638 & #935 CaboosesNone$65.00
Lot: 153AF S Gauge: #473 Santa Fe Alco A-unit DieselNone$75.00
Lot: 154AF S Gauge: #470 Santa Fe AB Alco DieselsNone$120.00
Lot: 155Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint Southern Pacific GP-9 Freight Set/OBs OBs$140.00
Lot: 156AF S Gauge: #355 CNW Diesel SwitcherNone$45.00
Lot: 157AF S Gauge: 2-each #930, #977 & #24631 CaboosesNone$40.00
Lot: 158AF S Gauge #732 Operating Baggage & #654 Observation CarNone$60.00
Lot: 159AF S Gauge: 2 Operating #914 Log Cars & #719 Dump CarNone$45.00
Lot: 160AF S Gauge: #24065 NYC Box Car/Clearpack OBOB$60.00
Lot: 161AF S Gauge: #787 Log LoaderNone$70.00
Lot: 162AF S Gauge: #755 Talking Mystic Station/OBOB$75.00
Lot: 163AF S Gauge: #273 Surban StationNone$150.00
Lot: 164AF S Gauge: #773 Oil Derrick & #774 Floodlight/OBOB$50.00
Lot: 165AF S Gauge: 3 #35 Brakeman Sets/OBsOBs$200.00
Lot: 166Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48472/48471/48470 NASG Cars/OBsOBs$240.00
Lot: 167Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #48479/48475/48436 Cars/OBsOBs$70.00
Lot: 168Mini-Craft S Gauge: #275 Mini DinerNone$130.00
Lot: 169AF S Gauge: #766 Animated Station/OBOB$140.00
Lot: 170Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint New York Central GP-20 & 6 Freight Cars Set/OBsOBs$130.00
Lot: 171AF S Gauge: 3 #579 & 2 #580 Street Lamps/OBsOBs$120.00
Lot: 172AF S Gauge: #272 Glendale Station & News StandNone$85.00
Lot: 173AF S Gauge: #160 Station Platform/OBOB$300.00
Lot: 174AF S Gauge #163 Flyerville StationNone$95.00
Lot: 175AF S Gauge: Rare 1946-model #342 Steam Switcher & Tender w/SmokeNone$190.00
Lot: 176AF S Gauge: #274 Harbor Junction Freight StationNone$230.00
Lot: 177AF S Gauge: 2 #370 News & Frank StandsNone$100.00
Lot: 178AF S Gauge: #24633 & #25052 Cabooses/OBsOBs$120.00
Lot: 179AF S Gauge: #23780 Gabe The LamplighterNone$130.00
Lot: 180AF S Gauge: Wild West #20550 Frontiersman Set/OBOB$150.00
Lot: 181AF S Gauge: Scarce #24558 CP Christmas Tree CarNone$85.00
Lot: 182AF S Gauge: #249 Tunnel/OBOB$20.00
Lot: 183American Models S Gauge: 14 Assorted Mint B&O Passenger Cars/OBsOBs$390.00
Lot: 184AF S Gauge: #161 BungalowNone$75.00
Lot: 185Lionel/AF S Gauge: 6 Mint Assorted Boston & Maine GP-7 Diesel & 5 Freight Cars/OBsOBs$240.00
Lot: 186Lionel/AF S Gauge: 4 Mint TCA Cars/OBsOBs$110.00
Lot: 187AF S Gauge: 12 Assorted Rolling Stock ItemsNone$70.00
Lot: 188Amer. Models/AF S Gauge: 2 #107 Box Cars & Station Platform/OBsOBs$45.00
Lot: 189AF S Gauge: 7 Assorted #24000-series HoppersNone$80.00
Lot: 190AF S Gauge: Scarce #21130 NYC Hudson Steam E&TNone$200.00
Lot: 191AF S Gauge: 3 Steam Boilers & 5 TendersNone$50.00
Lot: 192AF S Gauge: 13 Assorted Rolling Stock & Passenger CarsNone$95.00
Lot: 193AF S Gauge: #585 Tool Shed, #596 Water Tank & #566 BillboardNone$50.00
Lot: 194AF S Gauge: #777 Stock Yard SetNone$45.00
Lot: 195Lionel/AF S Gauge: Mint #8458/9004/9704/9403/48500 GP-9 Southern & 4 Freight Cars/OBsOBs$150.00
Lot: 196AF S Gauge: 5 Assorted Rolling Stock ItemsNone$60.00
Lot: 197AF S Gauge: #766 Animated Station Set & #971 Lumber Car/OBOB$140.00
Lot: 198AF S Gauge: 17 Assorted Rolling Stock ItemsNone$120.00
Lot: 199AF S Gauge: #755 Talking Station, 2 #566 Billboards & MiscellanyNone$110.00
Lot: 200AF S Gauge: #374 & #375 T&P GP7 DieselsNone$180.00
Lot: 201AF S Gauge: 4 Great #579 Street Lights/OBsOBs$95.00
Lot: 202Lionel/AF S Gauge: 9 Mint Assorted Cars/OBsOBs$100.00
Lot: 203AF S Gauge: #612 Station w/Crane & #722/769 TowersNone$85.00
Lot: 204AF S Gauge: #283 CNW Steam E&T & 5 Rolling Stock ItemsNone$50.00
Lot: 205AF S Gauge: #322 NYC 4-6-4 Hudson Steam E&TNone$90.00
Lot: 206AF S Gauge: #283 CNW Steam E&TNone$35.00
Lot: 207AF S Gauge: Mint #49805 23780 Gabe the Lamplighter/OB OB$55.00
Lot: 208AF S Gauge: 10-item Switches/Crossing AssortmentNone$20.00
Lot: 209AF S Gauge: 16 Assorted Box Cars/ReefersNone$160.00
Lot: 210AF S Gauge: #981 & #24026 C of G Box CarsNone$80.00
Lot: 211AF S Gauge; 4 Assorted Steam Engines & TendersNone$80.00
Lot: 212AF S Gauge: #6 Erector Whistle ControllerNone$35.00
Lot: 213AF/Ambroid/Kinsman S Gauge: 5 Assorted Cars & Kits/OBsOBs$50.00
Lot: 214AF S Gauge: 2 #282 & #283 CNW Steam Engines & TendersNone$85.00
Lot: 215AF S Gauge: #314AW PRR Steam E&T plus Whistle ControlNone$250.00
Lot: 216AF S Gauge: 7 Assorted Atlantic Steam Engines & TendersNone$120.00
Lot: 217AF S Gauge: 3 #21165 & #21166 Steam Engines & TendersNone$45.00
Lot: 218AF S Gauge: 6 Assorted 5-digit Steam Engines & TendersNone$55.00
Lot: 219AF S Gauge: 16 Assorted Box Cars & ReefersNone$150.00
Lot: 220AF S Gauge: #982 & #24029 State of Maine Box CarsNone$60.00
Lot: 221AF S Gauge: 9 Assorted Rolling Stock ItemsNone$110.00
Lot: 222AF S Gauge: 9 Assorted Rolling Stock ItemsNone$120.00
Lot: 223AF S Gauge: 5 Assorted Crane CarsNone$95.00
Lot: 224AF S Gauge: #24035 NH & #24042 B&M Box Cars/OBsOBs$85.00
Lot: 225Lionel/AF S Gauge: Southern Pacific ABA PA Daylight Diesel Units and Four Passenger Cars/OBOB$250.00
Lot: 226AF S Gauge: #983 & #24033 MoPac Box CarsNone$110.00
Lot: 227Lionel/AF S Gauge: 7 Mint Assorted Cars/OBsOBs$90.00
Lot: 228AF S Gauge: #980 & #24023 B&O Box CarsNone$70.00
Lot: 229AF S Gauge: #24036 NH & #24043 B&M Box CarsNone$50.00
Lot: 230AF S Gauge: Scarce #24047 GN Red Box CarNone$70.00
Lot: 231AF S Gauge: 4 Assorted 5-digit Box CarsNone$65.00
Lot: 232MTH/AF: #30-9120 Gabe The Lamplighter/OBOBs$45.00
Lot: 233Lionel/AF S Gauge: 3 Mint TCA Convention Cars/OBsOBs$75.00
Lot: 234Lionel/AF S Gauge: 7 Mint Assorted Cars/OBsOBs$100.00
Lot: 235Lionel/AF S Gauge: #8651 Santa Fe GP-20 Diesel Engine & #9405 Santa Fe Bay Window Caboose/OBsOBs$90.00
Lot: 236Lionel/AF S Gauge: 2 Holiday CarsOBs$35.00
Lot: 237Showcase Line/America Models S Gauge: 6 Mint Assorted Cars/OBsOBs$110.00
Lot: 238AF S Gauge: 2 #24557 US Navy Flat Cars & #24553 Rocket TransportNone$160.00
Lot: 239AF S Gauge: Scarce #24574 USAF Rocket Fuel CarNone$130.00
Lot: 240AF S Gauge: Scarce Uncataloged #24030 MKT Box CarNone$25.00
Lot: 241AF S Gauge: #24577, #24575 & #24556 Flat Cars w/LoadsNone$120.00
Lot: 242AF S Gauge #607/645/907/945 Work CaboosesNone$55.00
Lot: 243AF S Gauge: 7 Assorted Searchlight CarsNone$75.00
Lot: 2443 AF S Gauge: Nice Assortment Steam Engines & TendersNone$100.00
Lot: 245AF S Gauge: Assortment 7 Passenger Cars & 3 Flat CarsNone$130.00
Lot: 246AF S Gauge: #585 Tool Shed & #593 Signal TowerNone$45.00
Lot: 247AF S Gauge: Nice #612 Station w/CraneNone$45.00
Lot: 248AF S Gauge: #764 Express OfficeNone$85.00
Lot: 249AF S Gauge: 8 Assorted Passenger CarsNone$150.00
Lot: 250Lionel/AF S Gauge: B&O Alco ABA Diesels & 6 Assorted Freight Cars/OBsNone$180.00
Lot: 251AF S Gauge: 8 Assorted HoppersNone$85.00
Lot: 252AF S Gauge: 12 Assorted HoppersNone$90.00
Lot: 253AF S Gauge: 6 Gulf Tank Cars & 5 Assorted Box CarsNone$85.00
Lot: 254AF S Gauge: 15 Assorted Rolling Stock ItemsNone$100.00
Lot: 255AF S Gauge: #752 Seaboard Coaler AccessoryNone$90.00
Lot: 256AF S Gauge: 14 Assorted GondolasNone$80.00
Lot: 257AF S Gauge: 9 Assorted CaboosesNone$35.00
Lot: 258AF S Gauge: 6 Assorted Passenger CarsNone$100.00
Lot: 259AF S Gauge: 2 #771 Stock Yard Sets w/Cattle CarsNone$70.00
Lot: 260Lionel/AF S Gauge: #49807 752 Searboard Coaler/OB OB$70.00
Lot: 261AF S Gauge: 2 #755 Mystic StationsNone$60.00
Lot: 262AF S Gauge: Nice Assortment Miscellany/OBsOBs$160.00
Lot: 263AF S Gauge: #285 & #293 Steam Engines & TendersNone$65.00
Lot: 264AF S Gauge: #312 PRR 4-6-2 K-4 SIT Steam Engine & TenderNone$70.00
Lot: 265AF S Gauge: 9 Assorted Cabooses & 4 Box CarsNone$30.00
Lot: 266AF S Gauge: 7 Assorted Box CarsNone$50.00
Lot: 267AF S Gauge: #797 Roadside Diner/OBOB$75.00
Lot: 268AF S Gauge: 2 #779 Oil Drum LoadersNone$70.00
Lot: 269AF S Gauge: 6 Assorted Tank CarsNone$90.00
Lot: 270AF S Gauge: #23796 Saw MillNone$90.00
Lot: 271AF S Gauge: Large Assortment Crossing Gates & Miscellany/OBsObs$160.00
Lot: 272AF S Gauge: 3 Smaller AccessoriesNone$80.00
Lot: 273AF S Gauge: 3 Assorted Light TowersNone$55.00
Lot: 274AF S Gauge: #20 Passenger & 5 Circus Flat CarsNone$50.00
Lot: 275AF S Gauge: #23743 Maintenance Car & 4 Interesting Flat CarsNone$120.00
Lot: 276AF S Gauge: 5 Assorted Rolling Stock ItemsNone$120.00
Lot: 277AF S Gauge: 24 Assorted Rolling Stock ItemsNone$150.00
Lot: 278AF S Gauge: 2 #30B Transformers/OBOB$200.00
Lot: 279AF S Gauge: #593, #772 & 4 Whistle BillboardsNone$120.00
Lot: 280AF S Gauge: Incomplete #20730 Steam Freight Set/OB+OB+$30.00
Lot: 281AF S gauge: 2 #771 Stock Yards & #766 Animated StationNone$70.00
Lot: 282AF S Gauge: #301 & 2 #302 Atlantic Reading Steam E&TNone$65.00
Lot: 283AF S Gauge: #283 & #293 Steam Engines & TendersNone$65.00
Lot: 284AF S Gauge: #21160, #300 & #300AC Steam E&TNone$65.00
Lot: 285AF S Gauge: 5-item Franklin Steam Passenger SetNone$120.00
Lot: 286AF S Gauge: 11 Assorted Rolling Stock & Passenger CarNone$85.00
Lot: 287AF S Gauge: 10 Assorted Rolling Stock ItemsNone$30.00
Lot: 288AF/Colber S Gauge: Assortment Miscellany/OBOB$60.00
Lot: 289AF S Gauge: 7 Assorted Towers/OBsOBs $65.00
Lot: 290AF S Gauge: #481 Silver Flash Alco A-Unit Diesel/WrapWrap$130.00
Lot: 291AF S Gauge: Assortment BillBoards & Signals/OBOB$85.00
Lot: 292AF S Gauge: 6-item Accessory AssortmentNone$95.00
Lot: 293AF S Gauge: #596 Water Tower & 1950 Consumer Catalog/OBOB$45.00
Lot: 294Showcase S Gauge: 4 Mint Rolling Stock Items/OBsOBs$130.00
Lot: 295AF S Gauge: #312 & #21085 Steam E&T/OB+OB+$110.00
Lot: 296AF S Gauge: 20 Assorted Rolling Stock ItemsNone$75.00
Lot: 297AF S Gauge: 12 Assorted Box CarsNone$90.00
Lot: 298AF S Gauge: 14 Assorted Cabooses & 3 Tank CarsNone$70.00
Lot: 299AF S Gauge: 8 Franklin-series Passenger & Box CarsNone$75.00
Lot: 300AF S Gauge: 7 Franklin-series Steam Passenger/Freight ItemsNone$95.00
Lot: 301AF S Gauge: 19 Assorted Box CarsNone$50.00
Lot: 302AF S Gauge: 24 Assorted Rolling Stock ItemsNone$100.00
Lot: 303AF S Gauge: 9 Assorted Passenger CarsNone$55.00
Lot: 304AF S Gauge: 25 Assorted Steam Engines & Tenders plus PartsNone$180.00
Lot: 305AF S Gauge: 8 Assorted Steam Engines & TendersNone$60.00
Lot: 306AF S Gauge: Nice #710 Steam Whistle Cotrol/OB+OB+$160.00
Lot: 307AF S Gauge: Assortment Transformers, Controllers, Track, Switches, Etc.OBs$30.00
Lot: 308AF S Gauge: 3 #781 Abutment Sets/OBsOBs$90.00
Lot: 309AF S Gauge: 19 Assorted Switches/OBsOBs$90.00
Lot: 310AF S Gauge: Nice Assortment Original Boxes & WrapsOBs/Wraps$130.00
Lot: 311AF S Gauge: Nice Assortment Cardstock BoxesBoxes$75.00
Lot: 312AF S Gauge: 11 Assorted Passenger & Rolling Stock BoxesBoxes$55.00
Lot: 313AF S Gauge: Large Assortment MiscellanyNone$110.00

Note: Private Internet-only Auctions are conducted by Drew J. Bauer, Esquire. Drew is a member of the Bars of the Courts of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania and the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.


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