AmbroseBauer Trains' 4/6/25 Modern Private Auction.
For More Information on any Lot, Please Double-Click on the Lot Number. Please Click Here for a Printable Catalog.
Lot #: |
Title: |
Condition: |
Box: |
Current High Bidder: |
Current High Bid: |
| Lot 3 | Lionel #11814 Ford Limited Edition Train Set/OB |
Like New | Set OB |
9069 | $5.00 |
| Lot 4 | Mint Lionel #28665 LRRC Western Union (665) Railsounds Berkshire Jr. Engine and Tender/OB |
Like New | OB |
1790 | $25.00 |
| Lot 5 | Mint Lionel #31721 The Majestic GG-1 Post-War Celebration Freight Set/OBs |
Mint (TR) | Set/OBs |
2975 | $170.00 |
| Lot 6 | Lionel #28263 Union Pacific (1988) Heritage Katy SD-70ACe Engine/OB |
Like New | OB |
2975 | $85.00 |
| Lot 7 | Lionel #31707 Chesapeake and Ohio GP-9 Diesel Freight Set/OBs |
Like New | Set/OBs |
9069 | $5.00 |
| Lot 8 | Lionel #28242 Southern Pacific (8773) U33-C Command Engine/OB |
Like New | OB |
1157 | $55.00 |
| Lot 9 | Mint Atlas #6801 Undecorated High-Nose Engine with Railsounds/OB |
Mint (TR) | OB |
9069 | $5.00 |
| Lot 10 | Lionel #18374 Silver/Red (4866) Scale Length Pennsylvania GG1 Electric/OB |
Like New | OB |
2568 | $95.00 |
| Lot 11 | Mint Lionel #11710 CP Rail Standard O Limited Train Set/OBs |
Mint | Set/OBs |
2047 | $5.00 |
| Lot 12 | Mint Atlas #6293-3 Norfolk Southern Articulated 2-Piece Covered Auto Carrier/OB |
Mint | OB |
2440 | $15.00 |
| Lot 13 | Mint #52206 LCCA SD-40 Engine and LCCA Caboose/OBs |
Mint | OBs |
2931 | $30.00 |
| Lot 14 | Lionel #11810 Anheuser-Busch Train Set/OB |
Like New | OB |
9069 | $5.00 |
| Lot 15 | Lionel #31753(#2551W) GN EP5 Electric Engine Post-War Celebration Freight Set/OBs |
Like New | Set/OBs |
1157 | $10.00 |
| Lot 16 | Lionel #18261 Burlington Northern SD-60 (9412) Diesel/OB |
Like New | Incorrect OB |
2931 | $5.00 |
| Lot 17 | Mint Lionel #31700 Post-War Celebration Girl's Set/OB |
Mint | Set/OBs |
1507 | $360.00 |
| Lot 18 | Mint Lionel #8307 Southern Pacific Daylight 4-8-4 GS-4 Steam Engine and Tender/OB |
Mint | OBs |
2975 | $140.00 |
| Lot 19 | Mint Lionel #31701 Lionel Boys Train Set/OBs |
Mint | Set/OBs |
2939 | $210.00 |
| Lot 20 | Lionel #31742 Celebration Post War Series Santa Fe Fe Super Chief Red-Stripe Passenger Set/OBs |
Mint (TR) | OBs |
2975 | $220.00 |
| Lot 21 | Mint Lionel #11785 Union Pacific Steam Express Train Set/OB |
Mint | Set OB |
9069 | $5.00 |
| Lot 22 | Mint Lionel #11912 1996 Service Station Set/OB |
Mint (TR) | Set/OBs |
1926 | $5.00 |
| Lot 23 | Mint Lionel #38311 (2276W) Baltimore and Ohio BUDD RDC Commuter Set/OBs |
Mint | Set/OBs |
2624 | $5.00 |
| Lot 24 | Lionel #8404 Pennsylvania FARR#5 7 Piece Freight Train Set/OBs |
Like New | OBs |
2975 | $15.00 |
| Lot 25 | Lionel #31714 Amtrak Acela Passenger Set/OBs |
Like New | OBs |
2975 | $310.00 |
| Lot 26 | Lionel #18327 Post-War Celebration Black & Gold Command Virginian FM Diesel/OB |
Like New | OB |
1926 | $100.00 |
| Lot 27 | Mint Lionel #31784 (1593) Union Pacific Switcher Work Train Set/OBs |
Mint | OBs |
9069 | $5.00 |
Note: Private Internet-only Auctions are conducted by Drew J. Bauer,
Esquire. Drew is a member of the Bars of the Courts
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the United States District Court
for the Western District of Pennsylvania and the United States Court of
Appeals for the Third Circuit.
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